Welcome back to another fun filled week in Pre Kindy 😊

The children have settled in well to their new classroom and are enjoying the company of some new friends. It was great to hear about everyone’s long weekend and welcome back some of our friends from having some time off.  Pre kindy is a wonderful bunch of children. Miss TJ and Miss Livia are so happy 😊

This morning we enjoyed a play outside, warming up in the sun as the temperature has definitely dropped over the past few days. (Please can we make sure we are packing jumpers and shoes everyday). Pre Kindy were having fun on the big swing, getting pushed by Miss Livia while singing along to songs. Willow and Lily became best of friends while playing together this morning in the cubby house. Emerson, Harley and Arlo were fascinated with the garden, spotting the red tomatoes nearly ready to be picked. Joseph and Rosie were problem solving together to build with the large blocks. Miss Livia organised a morning tea picnic on the grass while reading a story called ‘Duck Away’ before we came inside.

Our morning group time was very successful. Sitting in a circle we passed ‘Mr Tortoise’ around while everyone introduced their name saying “My name is
” everyone was AMAZING! They all spoke clearly and confidently. In a group discussion we spoke about ‘How we can save our planet’ using the discussions we have had over the past  two weeks and the children’s knowledge. The children called out some answers and we wrote them on a large piece of paper. Our focus is to create more experiences each day for the children to communicate and build on their language.

Activity Time: Today the children were invited to play a numeracy rubbish clean up game. We had a picture of the ocean and a garden with pieces of rubbish polluting the areas. The children helped us clean them up and we counted the pieces that they collected. We will also be incorporating numeracy into our everyday learning.

The children also enjoyed communicating and playing alongside each other in the home corner area, role playing with the farm animals at the barn set up, matching shapes to the picture boards and free painting!

Before lunch we calmed our bodies down, getting rid of any crazy monsters inside of us breathing in and out with our hands placed on our bellies. The children are becoming so good at self regulation and becoming aware of their bodies. To finish of the morning we read ‘Baby Bear, Baby Bear. What do you see?’

Hope you all have a lovely afternoon

Miss TJ and Miss Livia x