Happy Wednesday

This morning Pre Kindergarten sang along to ‘Colours of Australia’ while sitting in a big circle so that they could see everyone and hold each other’s hands during the chorus. We are loving starting our mornings with a meaningful and upbeat song to warm up our bodies and voices. Yesterday we had a discussion on ‘Where does rubbish go?’ which then lead into ways we can stop the rubbish pile from getting bigger and bigger on our Earth by RECYLCING. Today we extended on from our conversation by researching what items we can recycle. We learnt that we can recycle paper, cardboard, glass, some plastics and aluminum items. We put our knowledge to the test working as team to sort certain items into either the garbage bin or recycling bin. We pointed out that the recycling bin has a symbol with three arrows going around in a triangle. The children came up to the white board to place the paper pictures of items onto the correct page/bin. Well done Pre Kindy, we will continue to learn about the items we can recycle over the coming weeks.

It was then time for activity time. Our favourite part of the day! The class chose to play with the fine motor pin boards, sorting the coloured animals into the recycled egg cartons, role playing shops an families in the home corner, collaborating with friends to tell stories at the doll house and having one on one time to sort the recycled items again. We continued our pencil control and tracing with Miss Livia where the children had to focus on tracing over straight lines coming out of the rocket. Once they finished tracing they enjoyed colouring in the rocket. We have noticed a huge improvement already with the children focusing on writing across the dotted lines.

We headed outside after the rain had stopped to run around the yard and chase Mr Nick up and down the fence line as he mowed the grass on the other side of the fence. It wasn’t long before the rain started again, so we ran under cover to do some yoga to ‘The hungry caterpillar’ story. The group are really enjoying the yoga sessions we have been doing this week. Yoga is great for their bodies especially when learning how to balance and breathe. If you would like to do yoga with your child at home you can find amazing stories to go with the yoga on YouTube called ‘Cosmic Kids’. They even have Frozen and Trolls!

This afternoon, your child can take home their plants that they have been taking care of. We would love to see if you plant them at home and how they grow over time. Have a wonderful afternoon.

Miss TJ and Miss Livia x

