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Happy Wednesday

As most of you know our dear Miss Livia will be finishing up with us tomorrow as she embarks on a new challenge and experience in her life. We are all very sad to say goodbye! Tomorrow we will be making the most of spending time with Livia on her last day.

Pre-K started off the day with our Art lesson. Miss Vee gathered everyone onto the mat to start a story time. We read ‘I love me’ by Sally Morgan. Miss Vee chose this story to support the children to see their beauty, strengths, intelligence and ability for success as this is essential to developing strong self-worth. Miss Vee then took pairs of children to sit at a chair and take their shoes off. They were then asked to paint a picture with not their hands but their feet. They thought this was great! After reading the story the children were thinking about their bodies, how to use them, what they provide and how amazing they are. By using our feet to create a sensory. Abstract painting, children were able to appreciate their bodies and its unique abilities.

After our art lesson, our soccer friends went off to get some exercise outdoors with the coach. The group that stayed back enjoyed free choice play around the classroom where they chose to play in their usual favourite areas such as home corner, cars on the mat and fine motor puzzles and games at the tables. Miss Lyn organised a Remembrance Day painting table where the children painted red poppy flowers and purple poppy flowers to remember the animals who fought and died for us. At 11:11am the children came together to pay their respects to all those who fought for our us alongside the Kindergarten classroom. Mr Andrew read out a poem and then the children did an amazing job at doing 1-minute silence.

Before lunch Miss Livia read ‘The Rainbow Serpent’ dreamtime story which was requested by Zachary and his family to celebrate NAIDOC week.

Hope you all have a wonderful day,

Miss TJ and Miss Livia xx