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Welcome to Wednesday’s Blog

This morning the children had so much fun doing the obstacle course that Mr Andrew made up in  the treehouse. The obstacle course challenged our balancing skills and coordination.

Our morning group time consisted of nursery rhymes, stretching our bodies, sharing our name with the class and transitioning off to morning tea with a colour naming game which all of the children did an amazing job at.

During activity time the Pre-Kindy children participated in a number of colour naming and matching experiences to follow on from their fun at group time. They loved the coloured animal matching game on the table, making patterns and shapes with the pin boards and filling up their page with colourful paint at the art table. The group also enjoyed building train tracks and role-playing characters in the home corner.

Before lunch we read ‘Ten in the bed- Hide and Seek’ and played a few rounds of ‘Sleeping Bunnies’.

Have a wonderful afternoon.

P.s. The children are doing an AMAZING job in their new classroom

Miss TJ and Miss Parminder x