Welcome to Tuesday’s blog 😊
What an exciting day for Pre Kindy welcoming back even more friends. Today we welcomed back India and William who had huge smiles on their faces and ran up to their friends to say hello.
Pre kindy joined together on the mat where we stretched our bodies to warm up for the day. A few days ago the Pre Kindy children were watching a story on the computer called ‘A whales tale’ which was an extension off our “Saving the Earth” learning. The children were really engaged with the story line and couldn’t stop talking about it to their families and to each other in class. Today we decided to watch the clip again to share with our friends who have come back to kindy and talk about POLLUTION. In the story a whale gets a net caught on his tail and then uses the net to help free other sea creatures from the rubbish in the ocean. The whales net becomes heavy, so his sea creature friends help lift him up to the surface where a young boy cuts the net off of the whale. (check it our YouTube with your children- A Whale’s Tale) The children all cheered when the whale was set free and then we had a group discussion on the story which we took a video of below. We will continue to extend on the story throughout the week. To transitions off to our activities we played a numeracy game called ‘Currant buns’ which the children LOVED so much and wanted to do again.
Following up on our whale story we decided to paint whales and/or The Whale’s Tale story on big A3 paper using grey and blue paint. Everyone loved painting and using the picture from the story as inspiration. The whales are going to look amazing on our whale. We tried an indoor/ outdoor set up again today which has been a major success for the children being able to choose to play outside under the veranda or inside. Pre kindy enjoyed the pin boards, making different patterns and lining up the pins, our mindfulness station with the sand timers and books, role playing in the home corner and with the dolls at the doll house and at the outside office table with keyboards, phones, note pads and dress ups. A few friends asked if we could bring the car mat out too which we lay down in the classroom. It was great to see the children spread out over the activities, playing in different environments such as the floor, tables and outside.
Before lunch we read ‘The world of my emotions’ which was a lovely book describing what some emotions feel like and that it is okay to feel them.
Hope you have a great afternoon 😊
Miss TJ and Miss Livia x