Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy Families 🙂 

Happy Friday ! 

This morning we welcomed Harper, Romney, Aleksandar, Amelia, Vaughn, Ayla, Harrison, Bjorn, Ariana, Charlotte, Grace, Cohen, Lincoln and Conall. 

This morning due to the amount of rain and wet surfaces we spent our morning inside. We explored all aspects of the room and even brought out some different resources. 

Harrison loves to explore the teacher storage area. He headed in there this morning to have a look at what he would like to play with “I want to play with that” pointing to the big box of legos. Romney and Ayla headed to the art corner to do some drawing. They both practiced their pencil grips and worked on fine motor skills when drawing their pictures. Ariana and Charlotte wanted to rule the land, so they picked out their favourites princess dresses and asked for assistance to get them on. Ariana was “Princess Ariana” whilst Charlotte was “Princess Belle”. Alex and Bjorn, who were also joined by Harrison, spent the morning in the transportation zone where they were role playing with the spaceship. They took turns carrying cars up and down the spaceship lift before blasting them off into space. Vaughn, Grace, Cohen, Harper and Conall spent some time with Miss Lara in the reading corner, reading stories and playing with popits. 

We then transitioned into morning tea followed by group time. For group time we started off backwards! As we had a special visitor . This morning we were lucky enough to have a visit from “Carnival of Joy” created by Dr Farvadin Daliri. The carnival of joy are mobile sculptures of giant native animals. They brought along a Kookaburra, Cockatoo and a Koala. As they pulled up to kindy the children went rushing to the door, not aware they were in for a surprise! They saw them and then asked “are they for us?” to which Miss Tiffany replied YES!!! They are here for us to see 🙂  The children jumped with joy. We then headed outside to the carpark where we watched them drive in, we were then lucky enough to be able to walk around to see them up close and personal. Lincoln asked “are we allowed to touch them” with a yes all the children with excitement touched the Koalas feet and fur. We then walked around admiring and touching the animals. When they first arrived they made noises, with the cockatoo speaking and the kookaburra talking, according to Cohen it sounded like a monkey. 

As we fare welled the animals we headed inside for group time we started off with our Acknowledgement to Country. Our friends helped Miss Tiffany and Miss Lara with the actions to “Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I”. We then did our days of the week and the weather report. With Vaughn being our weather birdy, he headed off to the window to report that it was a rainy day. We then chatted about what we had just saw, with all the children excited to share their favorites; 

Harrison- Kookaburra /  Bjorn- Kookaburra / Ayla- Kookaburra / Ariana- Kookaburra / Lincoln- Koala / Alex- Koala / Amelia- Koala / Grace- Koala / Romney- Koala / Harper- Cockatoo / Cohen- Cockatoo / Vaughn- Cockatoo / Conall- All three / Charlotte- all 3. 

We then had some free play before having lunch and rest time. After rest time we will be making some Damper- which is traditional Aboriginal bread. Miss Tiffany will then cook it for everyone to then try it. 

We wish everyone a safe and happy weekend ! 

See you all next week 🙂 

With love Miss Tiff and Miss Lara