Good afternoon to all our Pre Kindy and Senior Kindy families. Our outdoor activities this morning included sibling play on the climbing mound. Hazel loved sliding down the mound with her big sister close behind her. The peg boards were lots of fun, as was the connect four. Eva thought she would peek through the holes and surprise her friends. The cubby house also proved popular with the boys. Once inside, some of the children voiced that they would like “the blue play dough” which they moulded into cakes using gems, pipe cleaners and sticks as decoration and candles. Others chose role play in home area being mummy’s and daddy’s, looking after their babies, making sure they were given their bottles and put to bed. Myah sung a lullaby to her baby as she fed her the bottle. After Miss Lyn read a book about insects to us, we investigated our bugs 🦗🐝🦟🐜🕷🐛🐞 with magnifying glasses. Our art activity today was salt and watercolour exploration, where the children painted with watercolour then sprinkled their painting with salt to see what would happen – the salt absorbed the watercolour and looked like coloured crystals. Everyone found this very fascinating. Our other activities included the fishing game with Miss Talia and reading books to each other. Then it was time for our yoga session with Miss Gabby. The children loved jumping around the classroom in sacks yesterday so much, that we will continue this outdoors this afternoon, by having sack races. We have had a lovely day and look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow for another fun day of learning through play. Love from Miss Donna & Miss Lyn. 😊💕😊
Aug 13, 2019