07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon Pre-Kindy and Senior Kindy families 🙂 

This morning we welcomed Ryan, Myla and Colton from Pre-Kindy and Alia, Luca, Isabelle, Tua and Lincoln. 

We started our morning off inside as we awaited for friends to join us. The morning saw the arrival of Isabelle, Ryan and Lincoln; they all joined in play around the rocket ship taking turns using the crane to take little animals up and down the ship.  

We headed outside to enjoy some fresh air where we welcomed Myla, Luca, Colton, Alia and Tua. We had the balancing gymnastic equipment out which Mr Andrews took up into the tree house, along with the building blocks, and colour dots he with the help of the children created the best looking obstacle course we have ever seen. At the end of completion Colton and Luca both commented “wow that looks cool”. 

Miss Jess from Kindergarten got some paint out at the request of Ryan. She brought out the paint and then had a picture of a tooth as we entered into the week of Dental awareness. Children took on their own interpretations and painted their version of a tooth. Lincoln, Myla and Isabelle gravitated towards the painting. 

We then transitioned into morning tea and group time; Group time saw Miss Shannon read “When I grow up” whilst reading Miss Shannon engaged in conversation with the children about each page and what they children want to be when they grow up. 

This morning saw us spend a little bit of time inside before heading outdoors to spend most of our time. 

Inside Luca and Colton found themselves playing with the cars and trucks, whilst Isabelle, Ryan, Myla, Alia and Lincoln sat with Miss Danica playing with the rocket ship. Tua headed straight for the jungle and enjoyed his time playing with the animals. 

Outdoor time saw Ryan and Myla play on the obstacle course up in the tree house, they took turns being the leader and guiding one another around. Colton and Luca raced around the playground with their green trucks and then changed to having a race on the orange scooters. Tua took the animals into the aqua tunnels and swam them up and down the river. Lincoln, Alia and Isabelle raced around on the bikes. 

Our intentional teaching was building boats- As we continue to talk about athletics and competition we created an activity for the children to make their own boats to race. 

They started off by colouring/decorating their own sails. Miss Tiff then prepped the base of the boat (pool noodles) and once the sails were coloured we then laminated them and stuck a popsicle stick onto the sail and then placed the sail into the pool noodle. Once the children had finished their boats we headed outside to place them in the water troughs and aqua play tunnels. 

Today meals; 

Sourdough bread served with bean sauce and bananas 

Deconstructed sushi bowl served with a salad bar

With love, Miss Tiff, Miss Danica, Miss Aaliayh and Miss Alicia