Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂 Happy Friday 🙂
This morning we welcomed Bjorn, Harrison M, Harrison L, Harry, Conall, Aleksandar, Amelia, Ayla, Charlotte, Grace, Amelia, Cohen, Ivy, Myla and Lincoln. This morning saw us enjoy the cooler weather with a splash of rain. Before heading outdoors we got our sunscreen and hats on. With the anticipation of what yard, we would be in for the morning Harrison asked where we were going? Miss Bek asked the class to put their thinking hat on and think where they thought we would be going? Lincoln said “the yard with the slides” with Amelia and Harper agreeing. Harry then said “that yard” as he pointed to the big yard just outside our doors. Miss Bek nodding with a yes! With such excited Harrison L shouted “Yes, I can play in the sandpit”. So off we went to go and explore the outdoor world. Harrison L and Amelia headed to the sandpit whilst Cohen and Harrison M headed to the swing, taking turns with on being on the swing and the other pushing.  Ayla, Ivy, Myla and Conall spent the morning playing with the Jenga blocks whilst Lincoln and Bjorn played a game of dinosaurs chasing each other around the yard. |
Morning tea: All children loved this morning tea with the yummy combination of banana, cereal and saltanas! |
This morning’s group time we began with our acknowledgement to country before singing our good morning song. Harper and Charlotte were todays choosers of the books Miss Tiff would read for group time. Harper chose “The night before Christmas” and Charlotte selected “Wash your face with orange juice”. Miss Tiff introduced the night before Christmas to the class, in doing so it sparked the want for singing, so Cohen led us off as we all sung Jingle Bells. Cohen, Harper, Ivy, Harrison, Amelia and Charlotte all started of singing with Cohen right away before Ayla, Bjorn, Lincoln and Harrison L joined in. At the conclusion of the song, we then read the book. Next up we read Wash your face in orange juice, whilst Miss Tiff read this book for the first time, the class laughed and squealed with all the funny things Mr Cricketed Crane did. Miss T’arn informed Miss Tiff that there was actually a song to go with it. So naturally we had to find it and put it on! Miss Tiff got the song and speaker ready, we headed to the tree house for a boggy!!! |
Up in the treehouse we dance and laughed to the story of Wash your face with orange juice. Harrison, Grace and Amelia making up dance moved in conjunction with the words of the story! Bjorn then requested to play the floor is lava, this brings all our friends up into the tree house for a good boogy! Whilst we were dancing Miss Jen and happy feet dancing arrived. Harper, Ivy, Charlotte, Cohen, Harrison, Ayla, Grace, Amelia and Lincoln all remained in the tree house with Miss Jen to participate in dancing. Harry and Myla opted out and instead played on the bikes. They rode around the bike track playing. Red light green light. Conall, Bjorn and Alex could be found in the sandpit playing in the big boat, here they were taking turns being the driver. Harrison L spent the morning climbing up and down the rope ladder, each time he went down and climbed back up he expressed his joy to Miss Tiff in the ability to do so. After Miss Jen left we were then left to our own devices as we created activities and areas to play in. Harper, Charlotte, Ivy and Grace headed to the monkey bars in the sandpit they built a platform in order to be able to sand on so that they could reach the bars. Harrison, Myla, Harrison L, Cohen, Bjorn, Lincoln, and Conall along with Miss Tiff headed to the grass hill, we all climbed up to the top before slipping on our bottoms or tummy to the bottoms, whilst doing so we also had to jump out of the way of Harry, Alex and Amelia who were on the bikes racing around the track. Harrison L found a cone and a ball and created a catapult, launching the ball from the top of the hill to the people below. |
Lunch: Meatballs and roast vegies. After having spoken about Friday’s lunch being one of her favourite, lunch came around and the class were all ready to dig into the meatballs and roast vegies! |
Today’s rest period will see the non sleeps help with some cleaning of the classroom toys alongside Miss Bek as well as preparations for our Father’s Day get together. |
Afternoon Tea: The class will enjoy the fresh fruit and chocolate rice bar. I mean who doesn’t love chocolate? |
Miss T’arn will be in the class with the children whilst Miss Tiff and Miss Bek are setting up for father’s day get together. She will have some music on for a boggy as well as free select play. |
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek