07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families, and welcome to fabulous Friday! We had a small group of friends with us today, and what most children wanted to involve themselves in was lots of role play. Outside, this incorporated setting up a large green “mountain”, and covering it with an assortment of dinosaurs. There were lots of growls and roars to be heard as the dinosaurs certainly seemed to come alive!

During inside playtime, we set up a mini hospital and a teddy bear’s picnic respectively. The children had a great time trying to open up the bandaids and put on the latex gloves by themselves – these are very tricky tasks for small hands, and require a great degree of hand/eye coordination. Great efforts and persistence all round! We also discussed how germs spread very easily in a hospital, and why it is often important to wear masks around people who are unwell.

Playing with small cars and trucks was another request. To add some variety, we added a cross-section of different sized wooden planks and bamboo pieces – it was great to see the children’s engineering skills come to the fore as they created a series of roads and bridges to use with their transport vehicles.

At the playdough table, we practised our ball rolling skills, and then went on to make very big caterpillars, all the while singing “Little Arabella Miller”.

We also enjoyed:

– Colour matching teddy bears and insects to corresponding coloured circles

– Drawing on mini whiteboards with large fluoro markers

Until next week folks, please enjoy your weekend and stay safe!

With love, Miss Livia and Miss Donna 🙂