Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂Â
Happy Friday, and a warm welcome to today’s blog!Â
This morning we welcomed  Ariana, Vaughn, Bjorn, Charlotte, Romney, Harrison L, Harrison, Ella, Amelia, Cruiz, Conall, Harper, Grace, Lincoln and Colton.Â
This morning we headed out earlier than usual as we got to spend some time playing with the school kids! The bikes were out with Harrison L, Cruiz and Lincoln heading over to them to have a race. Harrison M, Amelia, Conall and Colton spent some time with Miss Tiff in the sand pit as we dug some holes and made some tunnels that connected with each other. Ella and Grace were playing on the wooden boat along with some Senior Kindy friends whilst Bjorn, Vaughn, Romney and Lincoln headed to the tree house to play some game with Mr Andrews. Ariana, Charlotte and Harper were in the mud kitchen making strawberry and chocolate cupcake cakes.Â
We then headed inside for morning tea, we washed and dried our hands before collecting our drink bottles and taking a seat to enjoy some yummy food. Activity time saw Lincoln lead the class as he wanted to play in the home corner and saw Harper, Ariana, Charlotte, Ella, Amelia, Harper and Grace follow. They set themselves up for a tea party with some of them cooking and others sitting down to enjoy some tea. Harrison M, Colton, Harrison L and Conall head to the arts corner where they spent some time colouring and cutting paper. Romney, Bjorn, Cruiz and Vaughn headed to the animals and played with the dinosaurs and cars.Â
We then had a visit from Miss Lea who was here to tell us all about International plant a tree day. She brought in some flowers and soil and we got to re-pot a plant. We repot plants in order to give them more room to grow! We learnt the trees are responsible for giving us oxygen, which means that trees help us breath! They can also grow fruit and we love to eat fruit. Miss Lea also brought along one of her stick insects so we all got a chance to give it a pat, which was pretty cool!Â
After Miss Lea left we then headed outside to enjoy some outdoor time before coming in for lunch and rest time .
Today meals;Â
Sweet potato and Tahini muffins served with fresh fruitÂ
Mexican Fajitas served with a salad barÂ
Energy bars served with fresh fruit
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend! We look forward to seeing you all next week!Â
With Love Miss Tiff and Miss BekÂ