Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families, and welcome to a scorching hot Friday. We have done our very best to keep the children cool and comfortable today……Lots of cool water available, and playing either in the shade early in the morning or staying indoors in our cool and comfortable rooms.

During early morning outdoor play, Mace kept himself cool by playing with the plastic tugboats in the giant water trough under the shade of a large Eucalypt tree. Eva and Layla made lots of cakes under the shade of the outdoor classroom in the sandpit.

During indoor morning play-based activity time, Mariah, Otto, Eva, Narla, Charlotte and Mace had lots of fun playing with the bright blue Playdough; rolling it flat with rolling pins/rollers, and using cookie cutters and dough cutters to make different shapes..Eva made a series of stars, and very generously gave a large portion of her dough to Otto to use…great sharing Eva 🙂

Of particular interest to Otto, Eva and Charlotte was the alphabet/name matching activity – all three children could match the letters to their name that had been drawn onto pieces of paper, and also recognised and named each letter in their name…great work! Charlotte in particular was especially proud.

Narla, Mariah, Mace and Eva enjoyed painting on large pieces of bark that Miss Donna had found at the bottom of a tree nearby – Mace spent 40 minutes at this activity – he covered every part of his bark piece with layers of differently patterned acrylic paints – what a wonderful piece of art you created Mace!

Eva and Otto were also creative with the small Lego pieces today – Otto made a big boat and a ramp, whilst Eva made a house.

Mariah, Mace, Otto, Eva and Charlotte also had a spontaneous puppet theatre show that Miss Donna Miss Jess enjoyed watching – Otto took on the role of a rooster, Eva was a duck, Mace was two different people, and Charlotte was a horse  – it was a very entertaining and extremely imaginative performance indeed 🙂

Dance class with Miss Jenn was extremely popular this morning, with the children learning a few new songs/ dance movements along the way.

Whilst keeping your children cool this afternoon indoors, the following activities were made available:

  • Colored rice play with scoops, ladles and small cups
  • Free drawing with textas and crayons on paper
  • Planting a variety of herbs in our large Pre-Kindy planting box – we cannot wait to see how they grow, and we will be sure to look after them!
  • Nature craft – cutting leaves, dried seed pods and PVC glue

We sincerely hope you all have a lovely weekend. Please stay cool and comfortable whilst we experience ongoing high temperatures.

Much love, Miss Donna and Miss Jess xxx
