This morning we welcomed Ariana, Lachlan, Ryan, Bjorn, Harrison, Colton, Myla, Madalyn, Romney, Ivy, Cruiz, Charlotte and Jacob. This morning we started off the day indoors with Miss Alicia and Miss Lea. At 8am saw the arrival of Miss Tiffany which meant we could head outside. This morning we were in the yard attached to Kindy 2 classroom. The yard had not yet been set up which meant that the class could design and choose what they wanted to play with. Ivy, Ariana and Myla begun setting up the soft fall blue mats out in the sun. Once they were all laid out they then started practicing taking turns doing rolley pollies. Ivy said “remember how Miss Jen taught us, feet and hands down, head to your knees”. Whilst the girl enjoyed practicing Colton and Harrison wanted to challenge their minds, so they got out the floor puzzles, there were 2 in the box and with team work they put together both puzzles one with a school bus and the other was a tractor with some farm animals. Ryan, Cruiz and Bjorn opted to get out the lego and begun building towers and laser beams. Ryan and Cruiz then used their laser beams to bust down the tower and saved Bjorn from the bug monster. The excitement and commotion invited Harrison, Lachlan and Romney to join in. Harrison built a castle whilst Romney and Colton built laser beans to destroy the naughty bugs! Charlotte, Ariana and Jacob then joined Miss Tiff at the puzzles, where we began to put the puzzles together. Miss Tiff and Jacob began with the tractor one and as we spotted each animal Jacob would hop up with excitement as he demonstrated the noise and actions of the animal. Ariana and Charlotte worked together completing the school bus puzzle. Myla, Ivy and Madalyn collected up the blue mats and placed them on top of each other. When Miss Tiff asked what the girls were doing Madalyn responded with “were using these to make a bed” Myla then added “because were playing babies, and the baby needs a bed to sleep on”. Miss Tiff asked who are you? Madalyn responded “I’m the baby” and who are you Myla? To which she responded “I’m the mummy” and looking towards Ivy she said “I am the dad”. The girls had fun playing babies together. |
New menu starts this week as we look to explore and enjoy some new foods and different tastes. Morning tea this morning was enjoyed by all which was really good to see. The class really enjoyed the little toast crackers. We had Strawberry Crostini with yoghurt and fresh fruit. |
This morning group time started off with our acknowledgement to land before singing our good morning song. We then read a few chapters of a book called “What’s in the river” |
On Friday we had Bjorn and Ivy both asking to make and play with playdough, due to our fathers day event we ran out of time. So this morning Miss Tiff and Miss Jade set up for the class to make their own play dough!! Romney, Harrison, Jacob, Cruiz, Colton, Charlotte and Ivy were in the first group to work with Miss Jade. Together we made 1 big batch of playdough. Colton and Cruiz placed the water into the bowl, with Harrison and Jacob then putting in the salt. Next Romney and Charlotte added the flour whilst Ivy helped pour the oil. Once all the ingredients were in we all then took turns mixing as we watched them combine to make playdough. Miss Jade then sectioned out the playdough so everyone had some and we then got to choose the colour we wanted the playdough to me. Whilst the first group was making playdough the second group had time for self-select play. Myla and Madalyn headed to home corner as they continued on from their game of babies. Bjorn, Lachlan and Ryan approached Miss Tiff asking if they could go into the prep room and choose something to play with. Ryan selected the butterfly puzzle whilst Bjorn and Lachlan wanted the story boards. Once Miss Jade finished with the first group the second group packed away what they were playing with and headed to the table for their turn to make playdough. Whilst Miss Jade worked with them our first group remained at the table to play with the playdough they had just made. Colton using a star shape cutter, cut out lots of stars, Jacob and Harrison both used a roller to roll out their play dough, whilst Romney, Charlotte and Ivy all made balls with theirs. Whilst making playdough this exercise allowed for all children in the class to exhibit and practice patience as they waited for their turns. They all did a really good job at this today! |
With the new food at lunch the class was a little hesitant to try new things. Miss Jade sat and ate with the class to encourage children to try. After they gave the noodles a try they loved them!! Today we had Rainbow Buddha Bowl served with a salad bar. |
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do. |
Afternoon tea will see us enjoy Chocolate and Beetroot brownies and fresh fruit. |
This afternoon will see us shake and dance to some of our favourite tunes |
Have a great afternoon with love,
Photos are attached to daily program
Miss Tiff and Miss Jade