07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday! Today we acknowledged and discussed Remembrance Day,  discussed the role of animals in wartime (purple poppies), and why we have red poppies to mark this event. We also had a minute’s silence at 11 a.m.

The children made poppy wristbands from red flower petals, pom poms, PVC glue and green cardboard. We also made poppy collage craft using green paddle pop sticks, pom poms, PVC glue, leaf cut outs and purple and red flowers. Myah, Charlotte, Kerim, Hazel, Ellie and Arlo were very creative!

In addition, during indoor morning activities, we had a discussion about germs, and how easily they spread. This was demonstrated to the children by placing glitter on their hands and asking them to shake the hand of the person next to them to see how germs spread so easily. Following this, we had a hand washing lesson where it was emphasised to the children how to correctly wash their hands to prevent the spread of germs.

Other inside activities today included:

  • Playdough with plastic scissors and rolling pins (Enjoyed in particular by Arlo, Mace and Oli)
  • Large Lego blocks on the green mat (Charlotte and Xavier worked together really cooperatively to make a very tall tower)
  • Hospital play (Eva, Ellie, Hazel and Kerim became very involved in this play experience)
  • Threading large wooden shapes onto neon shoe laces (Braxton spent a lot of time at this activity)

During outdoor play today, the children enjoyed playing in the sandpit with the small scoops and wheel turners, building sandcastles with moist sand and moulds, and making “smoothies” from the waterwheels – Eva and Ellie were very creative and made some excellent imaginary smoothies – whilst wearing buckets and saucepans on their heads 🙂

Hazel also had a great time digging and playing at her imaginary beach under the sun umbrella.

Miss Gabby also engaged the children in a very enjoyable Yoga experience on the outside verandah. The bubbles were extremely popular, as were the face masks and tickling wand!

We hope you enjoy the photographs of your child’s day, and hope that you have a safe and happy day.

Take care, Miss Donna and Mr G (Ginner) xxx