Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy Families 🙂
We hope that you enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to the weekend ahead.
This morning we welcomed Colton, Ivy, Bjorn, Lachlan, Ryan, Myla, Cruiz, Harrison, Lincoln, Romney, Avila, Madalyn and Harry.Â
This morning we began our morning indoors, whilst inside we saw the arrival of Ivy, Colton, Myla and Ryan. This morning Colton asked if we could get the story boards out to play with. We had enough for all our friends to play so Myla, Ivy and Ryan joined Colton in creating a story. Myla got all the people and dressed them, with one being a princess and the others workers. Ivy created a storyboard with volcanoes and animals, Colton’s story board had cars, lands, water, bridges for the people to go on an adventure. Ryan created a story with dinosaurs that lived near a lake.Â
As we headed outside Cruiz, Bjorn, Lachlan, Grace, Harrison, Romney Madalyn and Harry joined us. Harry is a new friend to Pre-Kindy with today being his first day. We are so excited to have you in the class! This morning Cruiz was such a good friend, he showed Harry around the yard and joined in on play with Harry. The two spent their morning with the tippers and diggers filling them up with sand before escorting the sand from one side of the playground to the other. Harry had his yellow workers hat on making him feel the part of a construction worker.Â
Bjorn, Ryan, Lachlan and Lincoln played a giant game of tag, running around the yard they took turns chasing each other around and around. Myla and Madelyn headed to the bike track as they took turns riding it, they raced around playing red light green light to dictate their movements. Colton and Harrison spent their morning in the sand pit with the green dump trucks, they dug the “biggest holes” and would put the dirt from the hole into the dump trucks. Ivy and Grace joined in with some Senior Kindy as they played in the mud kitchen creating some yummy food and delicious desserts. We then headed inside to get ready for morning tea and group time.
For group time this morning we started off with our Acknowledgement to Country. Our friends helped with the actions to “Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I”. We then did our days of the week and the weather report.Â
For group time this morning it was requested by Harrison that we read the “poo in the toilet”. So we read the story of “Who pooped in my loo”. The children absolutely loved it as each page we turned we investigated where or not it was a unicorn, lion, giant, elephant or elf that posed in the toilet. With the evidence collected we along with the book concluded that it was not possible for any of those creatures to have left it, so it must have been the brother! This story ties in nicely as we kick off science week!Â
We started off with our Acknowledgement to Country. Our friends helped with the actions to “Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I”. We then did our days of the week and the weather report.Â
For group time this morning it was requested by Harrison that we read the “poo in the toilet”. So we read the story of “Who pooped in my loo”. The children absolutely loved it as each page we turned we investigated where or not it was a unicorn, lion, giant, elephant or elf that posed in the toilet. With the evidence collected we along with the book concluded that it was not possible for any of those creatures to have left it, so it must have been the brother! This story ties in nicely as we kick off science week!Â
Todays Meals;Â
Blueberry and quinoa slice served with banana
Mac and Cheese served with a salad bar
Fruit Kebabs served with chocolate sauce.
With Love Miss Tiff and Miss Jade