07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Hello Pre-Kindy families and friends! Welcome to a lovely Spring Monday. Today we had lots of fun indoor and outdoor play-based activities for the children to participate in. A favourite with Braxton, Oli and Elliot early in the morning was the new tea set that Miss Donna brought in. Cups of tea and coffee were served up to Miss Steph and also to the baby dolls and teddies.

Miss Steph’s action figures were also a hit with many of the children in the early morning on the outside verandah (Mace, Xavier, Kerim and Braxton in particular), as were the plastic cars, the road mat, and the extended roads drawn with chalk – Arlo and Henry especially enjoyed this..

Inside, the children created lots of different scenescapes with loose parts, marine animals and bugs. This was a real hit with Arlo, Xavier, Reid, Eva, Oli and Theo in particular.

Henry and Charlotte enjoyed playing together in home corner cooking up a variety of food, whilst Ellie pretended to be a baby in the bed.

Hazel, Ellie and Eva enjoyed painting with cotton buds and acrylic paints on paper, and the large Lego construction blocks were also a hit!

Just a reminder to parents/carers whose children attend this Thursday – if you have not returned your child’s permission slip for the event/performance “Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show” could you please do so as soon as possible.

Until tomorrow everyone, take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

Much love,

Miss Donna and Miss Lyn xxx