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 A very warm welcome to Monday’s blog 🙂 

We hope that all families enjoyed their weekends! Monday the 19th = Pajama Day at Kindy!!! It was so cool to see friends coming dressed up in their Pj’s, Miss Tiffany wore her superman onesie. Miss Bek is away today, but will be back tomorrow. 

This morning we welcomed Colton, Ivy, Bjorn, Lachlan, Ryan, Cruiz, Harrison, Lincoln, Romney and Ariana. 

We started our morning inside as we waited for the morning to warm itself. Inside we had Colton, Ivy and Ryan playing with the cars on the car track mat. They were racing the police car around and practicing their car parking skills. Ariana then joined us and headed for the chill out area with a pillow and book. Outside Ivy and Cruiz spent their morning in the mud kitchen cooking up a story. Bjorn, Lachlan and Ryan spent their morning investigating and role playing as they ventured through the playground. Romney and  Harrison joined Mr Andrew in a game of hopscotch. 

As the morning progressed we headed inside to wash and dry our hands before enjoying some yummy morning tea. We then headed to the mat for a small group time. We started off with our Acknowledgement to Country. Our friends helped with the actions to “Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I”. We then did our days of the week and the weather report. Colton then expressed he wanted to read a story, so he went off to the library and selected a book of his choice for Miss Tiffany to read. He chose “What happens to all the poo from the animals in the zoo” As we read through the story there was constant laughter coming from Bjorn, Lachlan and Ryan as the book described crazy things for what poo would be used for. Following on from the story we then spoke about what actually happens with the poo from the zoo! 

This morning saw our friends head off and select what they would like to do. With all the children all taking turns with a sensory box, where they placed items into the box and then got one another to take it out. As they took turns taking out items there were giggles and guesses as to what it might be. 

Bjorn, Ryan, Lachlan, Cruiz and Lincoln then spent time with the cars and the animals. They would put the animals on top of the cars and then race them around. Harrison , Ivy and Colton spent time with Miss Jade drawing and cutting, we focused on holding the pencils and scissors correctly. 

Our afternoon will see us enjoy lunch and rest time, the afternoon tea and outdoor play as we wait for our families to pick us up. 


With Love Miss Tiff and Miss Jade