Good Afternoon Pre-kindy Families Welcome to book week! This morning we welcomed Ariana, Lachlan, Ryan, Bjorn, Harrison, Harry, Colton, Myla, Madalyn, Romney, Ivy, Cruiz, Charlotte and Lincoln. We began our morning inside as we welcomed Ivy, Colton, Ryan, Myla and Lincoln. This morning Colton and Ivy were at the construction corner building robots and laser beans with the coloured building materials. Lincoln headed for the books on display and started reading with Miss Jess and Myla and Miss Tiffany played in homer corner as we made up some food to feed to the babies. As we headed outside we went around to the small yard attached to Kindy 2 playground, here we welcomed Harry, Harrison, Charlotte, Romney, Bjorn, Madalyn Cruiz and Ariana. The children helped Miss Tiff set up the yard with Harry setting up the balance beans, Harrison and Colton laid down the blue foam matts for our gymnastic area and Ariana and Charlotte helped Miss Tiff set up a game of hopscotch with the hula hoops. Harrison, Colton, Lincoln, Ryan and Bjorn all took turns along with Miss Tiff on the hopscotch course where we practiced jumping on one foot as well as two feet. Harry, Charlotte, Ariana Myla and Madalyn practiced their rollie pollies on the matts whilst Cruiz and Romney were practicing their soccer skills and were kicking a ball to one another. Lincoln asked is we could read a book so for those who wanted to listen came along and sat with Miss Tiff as we read “The Gingerbread Man”. Whilst reading the Harrison, Lincoln and Colton joined in on reading the part “run run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man”. In doing so they all then stood and ran as fast as they could. |
We then got ready to head inside for morning tea. We played follow the leader as Miss Jade took the class around through the yards into the bathroom to wash and dry our hands. This morning all enjoyed the bananas and most enjoyed the berry bar.
This morning we began group time with our acknowledgment to land, we then transitioned to talking about the days of the week and what was special about this week. Miss Tiff explained that this week is book week which means we can dress up as any book character we like! As well as bring along a special book to read. For group time today we read 2 of Miss Tiff favourite booked, the first was Cat in the Hat (Miss Tiff along with Harry were both dressed up as Cat in the Hat!) the second book being “The little yellow digger”. The class loved the Cat in the Hat as it tells a story of the Cat getting up to silliness whilst mum is away! |
After reading Cat in the Hat we then headed off to do activities, our intentional teaching activity today was based around The Little Yellow digger. Miss Tiffany set up an outdoor play experience with digger and dirt for the class to find the treasure. Harry, Lachlan, Bjorn, Ryan, Harrison and Colton really enjoyed this experience as they loved digging through the sand to try and find the treasure buried. Ariana, Charlotte, Madalyn, Myla and Romney headed off into the sandpit to create adventures of their own. Whilst Cruiz, Ivy and Lincoln headed to the bikes to ride around the bike track. We were also lucky enough to have a visit from Alice from “Alice in wonderland” who did some storytelling, song singing and dancing with the children. As well as Miss Hayley coming in todo yoga for those who wanted to participate. |
The children enjoyed lunch today more specifically the salad bar with a few friends enjoying the mac and cheese portion. |
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do. |
The children of Pre-Kindy really enjoy eating fruit, with the favourites being watermelon and strawberries which are like by most. An educator during all meals sit with the children and enjoy some food as they talk about what is being eaten and try to encourage the children to try new things. |
This afternoon will see us shake and dance to some of our favourite tunes. We look forward to seeing everyone at pick up and hope that all parents have had a good day !
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Jade |