Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to Monday. We hope you all had a lovely weekend. We have a smaller group of friends here today, and it was a great day to do lots of creative activities. Following on from playtime outdoors early this morning, we came inside, had morning tea, then and had fun with the activities below:

  • Drawing with chunky and thin pieces of chalk at the giant chalkboard – this was thoroughly enjoyed by Xavier and Kerim (who giggled together a lot as they drew a series of squiggles and circles) and was also enjoyed by Indi
  • Theo made a fantastic painting today at the easel – he used lots of bright, vibrant colours; spending 20 minutes to complete his work of art – a great effort Theo!
  • Ellie, Reid and Hazel spent some time at the drawing table, choosing from a variety of chunky crayons to complete their art. Ellie said she was drawing a dog
  • Playdough was another popular choice today – especially for Indi, Eva, Hazel, Oli, Theo and Arlo – lots of pummeling, rolling and shape making was underway, using a combination of cutters and differently shaped plastic plates
  • Braxton, Hazel, Eva and Oli made a series of designs using coloured pegs and inserting them into large white peg boards
  • We also enjoyed our weekly Yoga class with Miss Gabby – Kerim is really becoming more confident in attempting his Yoga poses – great to see!
  • Elli and Reid played very cooperatively together in kitchen corner, cooking up a “tasty dinner”, according to Reid
  • The board game “Tummy Ache” was another popular choice made by the children today. It is a great way to teach the children the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, as well as a great way to encourage the children to take turns, to share, and to interact verbally with each other
  • We also had lots of fun at group time with some Christmas songs such as “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, “Santa Claus is coming to town” and “We wish you a merry Christmas”. Reid chose our group story book today – “Warnayarra the rainbow snake”, followed by teaching the children the Aboriginal lullaby “Inany Capunana” – a song about a pesky goanna. This song was very much enjoyed and by special request, it was repeated three times.

We hope you all enjoy today’s photos. Please enjoy the rest of your Monday!

Much love, Miss Donna and Miss Amanda XX