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Good afternoon to our Pre – Kindy families. What a glorious Monday. We have had so much fun with some new activities this morning .Mace, Reid and Xavier all enjoyed the stickle bricks, piecing them together to create different objects. Our small Lego set was popular with Oliver, who told Miss Donna he was building a house. Braxton asked Miss Lyn to help him make squares with the wooden construction set using red bolts (his favorite colour). Ellie. Myah and Eva all cooked up a storm in the home area kitchen. Hazel really enjoyed pouring and measuring the coloured rice into funnels and cups with some of her friends. Other activities included playdough, painting some very special artwork, which Kerim showed to Miss Donna with a huge smile on his face, & simply enjoying our beautiful  outdoor playground. We look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow … Love from Miss Donna & Miss Lyn xx