Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂
A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! We are officially half way through the year, with everything that has happened and still to happen we are all doing a great job! The second half of the year will see us start to work with all of our children to get them ready to move up to Kindergarten next year.
Another big thanks to all those parents keeping their children home whilst we are in lockdown, we appreciate your efforts and assistance. Remember to keep safe and should you or your children display any symptoms please go and get tested.
This morning we welcomed Colton, Harry, Lincoln, Cohen, Ariana, Charlotte, Lachlan, Myla, Everlea, Grace, Aleksandar, Vaughn, Conall and Harper. This morning saw us make the most of the little bit of sunshine we had, as 8am rolled around and the temperatures heated up we headed outside! We had the bikes and dump trucks out, we had the gymnastic equipment set up in the tree house.
The rain’s return coincided with the arrival of morning tea so we headed inside and got ourselves ready for some yummy food. After morning tea we headed to the mat for group time, where we did our acknowledgement to the land. We then also did our new calendar display and weather report. We then talked about our center worm farm, and what compost is and how the worms are able to eat all of our food scraps and then the go to the toilet and “wee” and then we use that wee to water and feed our plants. We watched a video and the children loved it! Giggling at the fact that worms wee and then we use their wee.
After group time we had self-select activities with a few children wanting to play with the clay-playdough, some playing with the cars and others playing with. The class then ended up playing a big game of hide and seek along with a few friends sitting with Miss Tiff doing some reading.
Todays menu;
Morning tea; Creamy pear and quinoa porridge served with bananas
Lunch; Roast veggie, avocado and pesto sandwiches served with a salad bar
Afternoon tea: Chocolate beetroot brownies served with fresh fruit
With love
Miss Tiff and Miss Bek