Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families and carers,
Firstly, we would like to wish Braxton a happy 4th birthday! We all acknowledged this by singing a cheery happy birthday song, followed by Braxton choosing one of his favourite books to read to the group – “Ten in the bed”.
Today we have continued with our “Ocean Stars” sea animal theme – the children had lots of fun painting puffer fish (blown up latex gloves and acrylic paints). Braxton gave his puffer fish a mouth, nose, three eyes, and differently coloured fingers. Eva thought the gloves looked like cow’s udders – which is true! 😊
In addition, we are continuing to practice and refine our scissor cutting skills/finger/hand strengthening activities during craft/collage activities. Ellie, Marshall, Henry and Genevieve showed great concentration and persistence; cutting small pieces of wool and paper into even smaller pieces. This was also popular with Lilly and Amayah, who thought their woollen pictures looked like pizzas.
The Geo boards with elastic bands were also a popular choice today – once again, this activity requires great hand/eye coordination to make the elastic bands stay firmly on the boards. Good skill building/mastery was happening at that activity – particularly for Dylan, Mace, Eva, Reid and Xavier.
Children’s choice of books was also a good transition activity today – many of the children are really enjoying looking at/reading books by themselves and are realising the importance of caring for/being gentle with them. Henry built himself a cosy little pillow cave to read within.
Connecta-blocks were also a good challenge today for Reid, Xavier, Kerim and Marshall today, with Reid saying, “Look Miss Lyn, I’m building a rocket ship – a bigger one”.
Home corner was THE place to be today for Charlotte, Lilly and Amayah – so many babies to feed and care for.
Until tomorrow everyone. Take care for now!
Love Miss Donna and Miss Lyn xxx