Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy Families 🙂
A happy Thursday to all!
This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Ariana, Aleksandar, Vaughn, Bjorn, Charlotte, Billy, Everlea, Delila, Ivy, Ella, Avila, Cohen, Conall, Grace, Finley, Sayde, Lincoln and Colton. We started our morning off inside where Colton, Ivy and Avila were the first to join Miss Tiff at kindy, both Colton and Ivy headed over to the train track that had been set up on the table, naturally they wanted it to be bigger so they started building. So they built a track all over the tables. We then headed outside as we welcomed all our other friends, the arrival of Everlea, Delila and Ariana saw the girls head to the sand pit where they were digging for treasure, Cohen, Lincoln and Sayde participated in a game of tag whilst Ella, Grace, Billy, Finley and Lachlan played with the large connect four game. It then started to rain pretty hard so as Bjorn, Alex and Charlotte arrived we all headed up to the tree house to have a dance party whilst it rained.
We then made our way inside for morning tea and group time, group time saw us say our acknowledgement to land, we sang our good morning song and then did our calendar and weather. Today Finley showed beautiful mat manners, and quietly raised his hands when Miss Bek asked if anyone knew what today was “Thursday ” responded Finely. Avila was our weather bird, she headed over to the door to report “The sky is dark but it’s not raining anymore”. We then watched Charlie Brown and the caring tree, a short clip about the importance of doing nice things for others. After watching the clip we then discussed what it means to be kind, what things we can do to be kind. Miss Bek then asked if the children wanted to have their own caring tree, with a unanimous YYYYYEEEESSSS! It was settled, so we broke off into groups for our free play and teacher led activities. Today the teacher led activity was painting tree branches to create our caring tree, child lead activities consisted of jungle play, transportation and home corner. We also had Arakan martial arts today so half the class went out in the first group to participate and then the other half then went out.
With our caring tree we are encouraging children to come to Miss Bek and Miss Tiff whenever they feel someone has been kind so that we can add a heart to our tree. Our afternoon will see us head outside weather dependent for some outdoor play before coming inside for some yummy lunch and rest time.
Today meals;
Creamy Pear Quinoa porridge served with fresh fruit
Roast veggies and avocado toasted sandwiches served with a salad bar
Chocolate and beetroot brownies served with fresh fruit
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek