Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂
A fully a busy class this morning in the Pre-Kindy room today Miss Tiff and Miss Connie love it. We all came to kindy with such positive happy attitudes today. It is so good seeing that all of our children are comfortable and connected making drop offs easier. This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Ariana, Rennick, Harper, Charlotte, Cohen, Sayde, Lincoln, Myla, Everlea, Ivy, Colton, Finley, Ella, Aleksandar, Vaughn, Billy, Delila, Jacob and Conall. This morning we were outside in the yard next to Kindy2 classroom, also know as the small yard. We headed over with Miss Connie and Miss Tiffany to find the boat in the yard so naturally we were all excited to see it and headed over and jumped in it. We began our morning adventure with singing row row row your boat. Ivy then took us on to the shops where we did some shopping. Rennick wanted to buy some chocolate, Colton brought a race car and Myla wanted some cheese! Miss Tiff went and hunted down some additional resources to bring into the year. She found some hacky sacks and basket which we used to practice our under arm throwing skills. This allowing children to have some gross motor skill development, using the use of arms and legs to thrown the hacky sack. This also allowed us to practice our hand eye coordination as we attempted to get the hack sacks within the baskets. Lincoln, Sayde, Cohen, Conall, Jacob and Alex all wanted to play a game of zombies so Miss Tiff began a zombie and began chasing the humans….. Our game then caught the interest of Rennick, Harper, Delila, Colton and Finley so Miss Tiff had a hard time catching everyone as they ran away so fast. Ariana, Myla, Charlotte and Ella spent some time with Miss Connie building with the lego pieces. Our wind down this morning saw us play a class game of doggy doggy where’s your done, before heading inside for morning tea. |
Banana a “Chocolate cake” saw the whole class enjoy their morning tea today! |
Group time was taken by Miss Connie this morning whilst we were enjoying our morning tea. Miss Connie captivated the children’s attention with a made up interactive story. We then headed to the mat to say our acknowledgment to land and spoke about the day ahead.
This morning we all headed off to follow our own interest whilst Miss Tiff set up an activity for those wishing to participate. We have a lot of children with interests in dinosaurs, anything dino related they are fully engaged in. So to extend off that interest Miss Tiff created a salt dough experience where the children could create dinosaur bones from salt dough, which will then be cooked allowing them to become hard to use in a Dinosaur dig experience. Lachlan, Bjorn, Colton, Finley, Rennick, Sayde, Delila, Harper, Cohen, Lincoln and Conall all choosing to take part in our making bone experiences. There were so many different bones to make they all choose their favourite to create. In amongst that we had Jacob and Colton creating a racetrack and then racing the cars along the tracks they had just built. Ella, Myla, Everlea Billy, Delila, Harper Vaughn and Rennick were in home corner with Miss Connie where they look to be having a tea party. Miss Connie set the table and they all then cooked up some food before enjoying a yummy meal. Lachlan, Lachlan, Sayde and Finley were in the dinosaur area playing with all the animals. Lachlan and Bjorn tried balancing as many animals on the big shark as they could – They boys were very proud of their achievement the photo will be printed and displayed in the class. Ariana and Charlotte spent some time doing the dinosaur puzzles. Thursday is also Arakaan day, so all children participated in that throughout the morning. We then cleaned up the classroom and got ready to head outside. We got out hats on and put sunscreen on. We were only outside for a little bit as it started to get really hot. |
Today’s lunch was 50/50 with the class some really enjoyed it others only ate a small amount. |
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do. |
This afternoon we will enjoy some yummy fresh fruit ! |
This afternoon will see us shake and dance to some of our favourite tunes |
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie
Photos will be printed and displayed in the room 🙂