07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello Pre-Kindy families, and what a beautiful day it is today!

Whilst outside this morning, we discovered a green tree frog near our door. Mr Ginner gently picked it up and showed the children. Once inside for morning group time, we found different pictures of frogs on Miss Donna’s iPad, and the children were very interested in looking at many different varieties. Following on from this, we looked at a picture book that had lots of interesting facts about all sorts of different animals. We were fascinated to learn that a cat’s nose is as unique as a human’s fingerprint. We then all stamped one finger each and look at the patterns our fingerprints made on paper.

In addition, today the children enjoyed the following play-based learning experiences:

  • Playing with the wooden cubby house indoors – especially enjoyed by Jaxon, Chi and Ellie
  • Making Vegemite/cheese swirls in preparation for this evening’s BBQ: great work Ivy, Marlie, Kaylee, Asher and Maia in particular – it is not so easy for small hands to hold and manipulate a plastic knife across a sheet of puff pastry!
  •   !
  • Making birthday cakes with playdough – Oli and Lily really enjoyed this today, and added lots of small wooden matchsticks!
  • Construction with Stickle Bricks – Asher made a spectacular vehicle!
  • Playing with assorted dinosaurs at the indoor sand trough – Zander and Asher enjoyed playing together for some time at this activity
  • Arakan martial arts with Mr Daniel in our outside classroom

Please enjoy today’s photos. We hope you see you tonight at our Riversdale BBQ between 5-6 pm!

Love from Miss Donna and Miss Livia XX