Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂
Happy Thursday, we hope that you have all had a great week as we have.
Today was a busy day as we welcomed so many friends to kindy! We began our day in the side yard where we had drawing and what’s the time mr wolf in motion. We also had role play of spiders and people where the spiders had to chase the people to try and catch them and the people had to use spray to get rid of them.
We headed inside to do some meditation before enjoying our morning tea. Group time had Miss Tiff reading Finding Nemo as we disscussed different ocean animals. We then went into activity time, we had tangram dinosaur puzzles, we had home corner being used, we had dinosaur puzzles and the dinosaur corner all being occupied.
We then headed outdoor to enjoy some sun before heading inside for lunch and rest time.
Thank you for a great day Pre-Kindy!
Apologies there are no photos today, educators were to busy being involved in play 🙂
Love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie <3