Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families !
Happy Thursday aka our Friday as tomorrow the centre will be shut due to the Gold Coast Public holiday! So we hope you all enjoy your long weekend 🙂
Final day for book week this week, over the week we have really enjoyed seeing the children dress up, those who have dressed up when walking into the classroom they have all had such confidence and excitement to show all their friends their efforts. Yesterdays highlight costume goes to Finley who dressed up as Cat in the Hat he even had white face paint, mum did such a good job! Today I think the highlight dress up (Excluding Miss Tiff who is a very cute Tinker-bell) goes to Conall who came fully dressed up as a Knight.
This morning we welcomed Ariana, Harper, Charlotte, Cohen, Sayde, Lincoln, Myla, Everlea, Ivy, Colton, Finley, Ella, Aleksandar, Billy, Delila, and Conall. We began our morning off inside as we explored the Pre-Kindy classroom before heading outside to have a run around.
This morning Colton and Luca created a racing track made our of wooden blocks, they carefully placed the blocks in a line before taking turns to race the cars to see who could get it the furtherest. Myla and Everlea ventured beyond the mud kitchen today they found themselves the green dump trucks, they spent the morning filling up the dump trucks with sand and then racing them around the yard. Sayde, Lincoln, Aleksandar and Conall assumed the roles of Knight and robbers as Conall chased the boys around the yard in order to catch them and lock them away. Charlotte, Harper, Ariana and Delila headed for the monkey bars taking turns they tried to make their way from one side to another, when they couldn’t make it and fell to the ground there would be the biggest fit of giggles from them all. Finley and Ella spent the morning on the bikes with their friend Zarah, taking turns they would de the driver and passenger as they raced around the track. Ivy and Cohen spent the morning with Miss Tiff as they adventured through the yard finding themselves at the swing, they sat and swung whilst talking. Cohen was talking about his robe vacuum and how it was broken but got fixed.
Morning tea arrived so we headed inside to wash and dry our hands before collecting our drink bottles. Morning tea sees us enjoy pumpkin, chia and apple waffles served with fresh fruit and maple syrup. After morning tea we headed to the mat for group time where we said our acknowledgement to land with very little help from Miss Tiff or Miss Bek. Charlotte then led us off with our good morning song. Today Delila brought in a book from home so Miss Bek read the story “Frozen” to the class, and of course the book was a big hit with the children as we listened to the story of Queen Elsa and Princess Ana.
After group time if was our turn to participate in Arakaan Martial Arts with the first group heading out; Ariana, Harper, Charlotte, Billy, Ivy, Cohen and Ella. The second group heading out; Sayde, Lincoln, Alex, Delila, Myla, Everlea, Colton and Finley. Inside the children explored and created play for themselves. Delila, Ella and Finley enjoyed some story reading with Miss Lara. Harper, Ariana, Ivy and Charlotte were in home corner playing hairdresser whilst Colton, Alex, Sayde and Lincoln were playing with the wooden blocks creating race tracks around the classroom. Cohen, Conall, Myla and Everlea playing amongst the jungle and the animals with Miss Tiff.
As we head out for some outside play before coming in for lunch and rest time. Lunch sees us enjoy loaded butter chicken with rice served with a salad bar.
We hope you all enjoy your long weekend 🙂
With love Miss Tiff, Miss Bek and Miss Lara.