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Happy Thursday!

Save the Earth !!!

Good morning Pre Kindy families, we started our day with a beautiful and refreshing morning, nice water play and the children playing outdoors together.

They had lots of fun playing in the sand pit making castles, birthday cakes and lots of special sand foods, yummy !! 😊 – Playing with sand develops the children’s sensory skills that are stimulated through touch and contact with the texture of the sand. In sand play, the child has the possibility to role play and pretend different scenarios. Learning troughs play crucial for the child’s contact with the reality, and games, in general, are great tools for children to explore the world.

They also played on the giant swing and drove all over the yard with the bikes developing their gross motor skills. But the attraction of the moment is the water pump, they love to play with water which is nice with this weather. They really know how to have fun!

Mr Andrew read a book called The Three Billy Goats Gruff that teach the children to be cleaver, confident and do not let others push them around. We always deserve better days and we cannot give up!

After morning tea, we came inside, and we kept talking about to save the Earth. Yesterday they loved to watch with Miss TJ the video with man’s saving the sea animals, so today Miss Livia put other videos about them saving turtles. To extend this activity we wrapped a line around the plastic turtle from Kindy and all the children cut the lines to save her. They really felt like saviours, that was so cute !!! – This activity is linked to the Learning Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world, becoming socially responsible and showing respect for the environment. Another important point in this activity was the use of scissors which, in addition to developing fine motor skills by learning to use it correctly, they also develop a series of motor and cognitive skills such as:

  • Postural stability
  • Visual perception
  • Visual motor coordination
  • Bilateral integration
  • Spatial orientation
  • Corporal conscience
  • Muscle strength

Before lunch time we practiced some relaxation, exercises doing belly breathing and yoga movements so we could be ready for our delicious nachos with vegetables, avocados and cheese. We all enjoy this meal!

After rest time we made a collage  doing our own Heart with green paint and blue crepe paper.

To finish our day we went outside to play and have fun with our friends again.

I hope you all enjoy our photos and our day.

Lots of love Miss Livia