Good Afternoon Pre-Kndy Families and a Happy Thursday to all 🙂
Today was a wet weather day which saw us spend the morning inside. We enjoyed so many resources!
Charlotte, Ariana, Alex Conall and Harper spent the morning with Miss Tiff doing the alphabet floor puzzle. Miss Tiff directed them into singing the ABC song to see which letter they had to find next in order to complete the puzzle. This morning we had play dough out on the tables which saw Charlotte, Sayde, Billy, Zarah, Myla, Colton, Harper, Ariana and Lincoln all enjoy creating. This morning we had ice creams, houses, dinosaurs and much more being made out of play dough. Bjorn, Lachlan, Colton, Finley, Zarah and Luca all headed to the dinosaur corner this morning as the engaged in role play.
We had the new building blocks out which saw Delila, Colton, Harper, Billy, Cohen, Myla and Everlea all have a turn throughout the morning. Colton, Delila , Harper and Cohen helped Miss Tiff build a tree house, whilst Myla, Everlea, Billy and Zarah all created towers as high as they could.
We then packed away the classroom and had our morning meditation before enjoying morning tea and group time. group time today we read Horton hears a who which they children loved as it was so ridiculously funny!
Today we celebrated Delila impending birthday with cupcakes! She brought in a box of cupcakes for the class to make and then enjoy for afternoon tea! The class love making cupcakes, todays cupcakes are vanilla and will be served with green icing and dinosaur sprinkles!
We then headed outside to enjoy some fresh air as the rain held off for a little while. Lunch today we enjoyed some meatballs and salad bar.
Our afternoon see us rest our little bodies before having afternoon tea.
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie x