Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂
Happy Tuesday we hope that you have all had a really good start to the week! Father figures hope you enjoyed your special day on Sunday. This morning in the Pre-Kindy room we had Miss Bek and Miss Tiff with Miss T’arn in covering our lunch breaks.
This morning our class came in with so much personality! We had everyone who walked into the Pre-Kindy classroom express happiness or excitement for the day ahead. We love the confidence that everyone express 🙂
This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Ariana, Bjorn, Ryan, Harrison, Colton, Ivy, Myla, Everlea, Madalyn, Grace, Lincoln, Cruiz, Harper, Delila, Henry, Amelia, Cohen, Jacob, and Sayde. We started the morning off inside and before long it was time to head outside. This morning we were in the big yard! Which meant we got to explore the bikes, sandpit and have some fun with water. There was a race going on with a mixture of bikes and scooters. The great dip was on as the class begun to dig holes and tunnels throughout the sandpit. Others headed to the swing to see how high they could reach.
Aft the excitement carried our tummies started to feel hungry so we headed inside to wash and dry our hands. We placed our hats by our bags before collecting our drink bottles and found a seat. morning tea today was deconstructed banana split with berry puree and coconut yoghurt. After morning tea we headed to the mat for group time where we begun with our acknowledgment to country and our good morning song. Miss Bek then asked what the class would like todo today to which a few friends responded with the idea of having an outside day! They wanted to keep digging and finding treasure.
So we covered our bodies in sunscreen, put our hats on our head and headed outside to enjoy the sun. Bjorn, Ryan, Lachlan, Everlea, Harrison, Henry, Cruiz and Lincoln headed to the sandpit along with Miss Tiffany where we dug holes to create tunnels as well as sandcastles and ice cream balls. Harper, Ariana, Ivy, Grace and Amelia were playing with the school kids kinetic sand whilst Myla and Madalyn headed to the swing to play babies. Cohen, Sayde, Colton and Jacob were playing zombies.
Before long Miss Tiff found herself in a giant games of tag! With Miss Tiff as the chaser she began chasing the class around the playground, she had to go up the tree house, down the slides around the hill and through the pillars in order to catch everyone! Cohen then suggested playing hide and seek, so we took turns being the counters whilst the rest of us had to go run and hide! Jacob having the best hiding spot and managed to stay hidden for the longest. We then headed up to the tree house to play the floor is lava before heading inside to enjoy some lunch. Lunch today saw us have pizza rolls and salad bar! The pizza rolls were a hit with everyone really enjoying the food!
We will all take the time to rest our bodies after spending the morning in the hot sun. The afternoon will then see us enjoy afternoon tea before heading up to the slide yard for some afternoon play.
Have a great afternoon!
Love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek