07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Hello Pre-Kindy families and carers…welcome to Tuesday! Today we have kept all the children indoors as the QLD Health Dept. and the Dept. of Education issued a “poor quality air” rating, advising all persons to restrict their outdoor time in response to the ash and haze from the bushfires across NSW and QLD – now at “catastrophic” level.

During indoor play time, we had a variety of activities available, including:

  • Connecta blocks
  • Playdough
  • Hospital role play (once again by popular demand of the children!)
  • Collage pieces, pasting and gluing
  • Easel painting with a variety of cotton buds, small and large brushes, and acrylic paints
  • Assorted puzzles
  • Colour matching to assorted animals and transport objects

We also had some fun group activities today, including:

  • Children’s choice of action songs and rhymes: “Tooty Ta”; “Freeze Song”; “Days of the Week Song” and “Incey Wincey Spider” to name but a few
  • Story telling: an oral telling of “Hansel and Gretel” as told by Miss Donna

As it is National Recycling Week this week – we engaged with the “Messy Magpie” powerpoint and talked about rubbish on our land and in our waters left by people, and the damage it can do to the environment and to our animals. We also talked about why it is so important for every Pre-Kindy friend to help pack way, and to dispose of his/her rubbish properly and not litter.

We discussed how we can recycle certain items to reuse for other things in our Pre-Kindy room, such as cardboards rolls, glass jars. Many of the children came up with some great ideas!

Until tomorrow everyone, stay safe, and stay indoors.

Much love, Miss Donna and Miss Zara x