Good Morning Pre-Kindy Families 

Happy Tuesday 🙂 

This morning we welcomed Ivy, Colton, Ryan, Lachlan, Bjorn, Amelia, Charlotte, Harper, Harrison, Grace, Lily, Henry, Cohen, Lincoln, Sayde, Cruiz, Myla and Everlea. 

This morning Ryan and Ivy started their morning off with some dinosaur play, rearranging the rocks to create a pen for the dinosaurs to live in. Everlea entered the room and found a new toy tractor which she started racing around the room alongside Cruiz and the ice cream truck. As it was such a beautiful morning we headed outside as soon as the schoolies left for school. Harrison, Ivy, Grace and Myla head for the mud kitchen along with Miss Tiffany there we made dinner whilst engaged in conversation. Harrison made the comment that Pterodactyls and other dinosaurs no longer live on earth, this led to a discussion around extinction and what it meant. Bjorn, Cruiz, Ryan and Lachlan were all engaged in a game of hide and seek mixed with tag as they took turns chasing each other around the playground. Sayde, Lincoln and Cohen spent their morning on the bike track racing around to see who was the fastest. Colton and Luca played with the green dump trucks transporting dirt from one area in the sandpit to another, whilst Harper, Charlotte, Amelia and Delila played on the monkey bars. Everlea spent her time outside with Henry from Senior Kindy, they were using shovels to dig holes in the sandpit. 

As the morning passed we headed inside for morning tea, upon finishing morning tea we all sat on the mat to participate in group time. We started group time off with our acknowledgement to land, we sang our good morning song and then completed our days of the week calendar. Harrison was our weather bird this morning reporting to the class that it is a “sunny” day. The focus at group time was a revisit on how we behave and use the bathroom as a lot of our friends seem to have forgotten. We spoke about when we go to the toilet we need to sit or stand close to the toilet and we do not wee all over the toilet. Once we have gone to the toilet we need to then flush the toilet, we then wash our hands with 1 pump of soap and then dry our hands with 1 paper towel.

We were then lucky enough to have a show on !!! Surfer Sam came to visit us and talk to us about a whole lot of different things with regards to the water and what we can do! We started off talking about rubbish and what we do with it, rubbish in the sea = 🙁 but rubbish in the bin = :). 

Surfer Sam then talked to us about what we need to do when we go to the beach for a swim, we need to look for the red and yellow flags and swim in between them. 

We then headed outside for some play before coming inside to settle and get ready for some lunch and rest time. 

Today meals; 

Pancakes served with fresh fruit and berry compote

Spaghetti Bolognese served with a salad bar

Pumpkin and chocolate chip cookies served with fresh fruit

With Love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek