Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families
A warm welcome to Tuesday blog where we get to experience they day of the little ones. This morning we welcomed;ย Lachlan, Bjorn, Ryan, Charlotte, Madalyn, Myla, Everlea, Delila, Harrison, Ivy, Amelia, Cohen, Cruiz, Harper, Grace, Sayde, Henry, Lincoln and Colton.ย
This morning we started our morning off in the classroom as we waited for the sun to rise and warm the air. Ivy, Ryan and Cruiz were the first to arrive at kindy, as they settled in we began to explore the room. Set up was an arts area with paper and colour pencils, books and cushions as well as animals and building blocks. Ivy and Ryan headed to the art set up where they started to colour and draw, after finishing their pictures Ryan asked if he could have a paper airplane so we then proceeded to make airplanes. Cruiz and Ivy also wanting one, once made we raced them around the class room seeing who’s would travel the furtherest. The morning warmed up and the school kids went off to school we headed outside where the rest of our friends joined us.
This morning Miss Tiff was sitting on top of the grass hill, Myla, Madalyn, Delila, Ivy, Grace and Harrison joined her. We were enjoying the warmth of the sun and then Grace asked to play a game, she turned the floor all around the grass hill into lava. So we played the floor is lava with all the children trying to slide of the grass hill and rescue one another before touching the ground. Lincoln, Cohen, Sayde and Cruiz a game of cops and robbers with them taking turns at being the bad guy vs the police officer, amongst the game Cohen robo vacuum broke so they then had to take it into the repair shop to get it fixed. Lachlan, Bjorn and Ryan sent the morning playing a game with Mr Andrews where they were throwing hacky sacks into a target. Colton, Henry, and Everlea enjoyed some play in the sandpit as they respectively built their own sand castles. Harper, Charlotte, Amelia and Grace raced around on the bikes as they took turns being the driver.
We then headed inside for morning tea and group time before spending the remainder of the morning inside doing self-select play. Ryan, Bjorn, Harrison and Lachlan began paying with the dinosaur puzzles before venturing off to the wooden blocks. At the wooden blocks they created a house and a ramp for the dinosaurs to stay in. Harper, Ivy, Delila, Charlotte, Amelia and Grace headed to home corner where they all indulged in a game of mums and babies, with the mums getting dinner ready the babies played with the toys whilst they waited for dinner. Cruiz, Sayde, Henry, and Colton spent time with Miss Steph building the floor puzzles together they completed the airoplane and bus puzzles. Everlea, Myla and Madalyn were ย in the transportation zone playing with the cars and trucks on the car mat.
Our yummy meals for the see us enjoy;
Homemade beans on sourdough bread / Rainbow sushi bowl served with a salad bar / Chocolate and zucchini cake served with fresh fruit.
A little reminder please keep all toys at home, we have plenty of toys here at kindy ๐ The weather is also starting to warm up which means lots of fun outside, this includes investigation of water play!! So please pack extra clothes for your little ones and ensure names are on all clothes so we can ensure they go to the right home ๐
p.s. apologies there are not photos today, we were having to much fun being involved with play.
Have a great afternoon,
Miss Tiff and Miss Bek