07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon to all our families. We have had a very busy, fun day in our Pre Kindy room. After morning tea, the  children had the choice of swapping between indoor & outdoor activities, that were under cover of the verandah. Our activities included sand play with the dinosaurs, always a hit with the boys, staging dinosaur fights. Sea animals with the water trough was also popular. Indoors we had painting at the easel, collage with leaves that we had collected from outside on the art table, building with the small LEGO blocks, a tea party in home area with Miss Donna’s very special tea set, texta drawing, stickle brick construction, play dough with rolling pins & cutting utensils & reading quietly in the book nook was popular with Theo, Arlo, Reid and a few other friends. Ava & Eva were happy to play with the dolls house, arranging the rooms & moving the people around the rooms. We hope you have all enjoyed your day & look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow …. love from Miss Donna & Miss Lyn 😊💕💕😊