Good afternoon to our Pre Kindy families…

This morning during our outdoor activity, we embraced our imagination & creativity as we drew with paddle pop sticks in shave foam. Charlotte, Dylan, Eva & Hazel all said they were drawing sharks with huge teeth & smiley eyes.

While inside after listening to the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister ( where we learned about sharing with our friends), the children created their very own rainbow fish using collage materials. We are hanging them in our sea animal display. We also painted our interpretation of the ocean with blue & green paint.

India & Ava were engrossed in the play dough, busy crafting with shells, blue stones and pieces of driftwood. They were proud to show their creations to Miss Lyn.

The fishing game was also popular with Reid, Henry & Theo. They had great fun catching all different sea creatures. We also had our ocean trough with whales, sharks & smaller marine creatures.

Some of our other activities included jigsaws, dancing & home area.

We look forward to see ing you all tomorrow & are very excited for our “Ocean Stars” show.  Love from Miss Donna & Miss Lyn 😊💕💕😊