Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy Families 🙂 

A warm welcome to Tuesday and a welcome back to Miss Bek. 

This morning Lachlan, Ariana, Bjorn, Ryan, Charlotte, Myla, Everlea, Delila, Harrison, Ivy, Amelia, Cohen, Cruiz, Harper, Grace, Sayde, Lily, Henry, Lincoln and Colton. We started off our morning inside with Myla, Everlea, Ryan and Ivy playing with the large lego blocks. Along with Miss Tiffany’s help we all built the biggest towers we could carry! We then headed outside to play and await the rest of our friends’ arrival! Bjorn, Ryan, Lachlan and Cruiz were playing with the building blocks stacking then high to then knock them all down. Lincoln, Sayde and Cohen were playing a game of ninjas they chased each other around the playgrounds whilst pretending to karate chop everything that they ran past. 

Harper, Delila, Charlotte and Ariana found branches of leaves on the ground, they then tried to balance the trees on the bikes as they rode around the bike track. Lily, Grace and Myla spent some time in the sand pit mixing up so yummy food, whilst Colton, Henry and Everlea spent time running around with some friends from Senior Kindy. 

We then headed inside, we washed and dried our hands before having some morning tea. Our friends have been doing so well with the self service of food! They really enjoy the autonomy of selecting their food and using the tongs to put their food onto their plate. 

After morning tea we headed to the mat for group time, where we said our acknowledgement to land, we sang our good morning song and then did our days of the week calendar. Today Ariana was our weather bird, she fluttered over to the door, and then fluttered back to report that it is a sunny day! We then started talking about the Tokyo Olympics, Miss Bek explaining to the class what the Olympics are. She showed the class a map of the world, we saw where Australia is and where Japan is, we even watched some videos of gymnastics . Lincoln loved watching the gymnastics “wow look at her spin and jump”. Grace asked “why do they do that, why do they do Olympics?” With Miss Tiffany explaining that people sometimes want to be the very best, so they have competition to see whether they are the best in the world. After group time we then went off for self select activities as well as our intentional teaching activity of creating an Australian flag to use for the Olympics. 


Our late morning and afternoon will see us enjoy lunch and afternoon tea, as well as some rest and relaxation time before enjoying the afternoon in the fresh outdoors. 

Today meals; 

Pancakes served with fresh fruit and berry compote

Spaghetti bolognese served with a salad bar

Pumpkin and chocolate chip cookies served with fresh fruit  

With love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek