Good Morning Pre-Kindy families :
Happy Tuesday, today sees us enjoy day 2 of book week with more and more children dressing up! We love the outfits the children are coming in as. This morning we had Elsa, Minions, Superman, Fireman Sam, TinkerBell and more!
This morning we welcomed Ariana, Bjorn, Ryan, Harrison, Colton, Ivy, Myla, Everlea, Madalyn, Grace, Lincoln, Cruiz, Charlotte, Harper, Delila, Henry, Amelia, Cohen and Sayde.
This morning saw us juggle indoor and outdoor play as we monitored the rain situation. We began our morning inside with Ivy, Lincoln, Ryan, Myla, Cruiz and Colton the first to join us. We spent the morning diving into Pre-Kindy library where we read book after book, with each child choosing a book of their choice for Miss Tiff or Miss Jess to read. We also had the wooden blocks out which were explored by Colton, Lincoln and Cruiz whilst Myla and Ivy spent the morning in home corner. As they rain seemed to be holding off for.a little bit we cleaned up, put our hats on and headed outside for a run! Ryan, Bjorn, Harrison, Lincoln, Cruiz, Henry headed for the sandpit as more fresh sand was delivered to us yesterday the boys assisted with the moving of all the sand as they ran around. Colton and Henry then assisted with the green dump trucks, filling them up and taking them to the other side of the playground. The rain decided to pay us a visit so we headed inside, as morning tea was still a little while away we got stuck into some free play. Colton, Harrison, Amelia, Grace and Delila got out the colour pencils and began to draw some pictures. Harper, Charlotte, Ariana, and Cohen headed for home corner as they put together a tea party. Sayde and Lincoln headed to the wooden block and began to build a house.
We then got ourselves all cleaned up and ready for morning tea, we washed and dried our hands before collecting our drink bottles and taking a seat. This morning saw us enjoy some sourdough bread served with homemade beans and a side of banana. After morning tea we then had group time where we said our acknowledgment to the land before getting stuck into some reading. With it being book week we are all about sharing the stories that children bring from home, today Colton and Cohen both brought in a book from home to share. Miss Tiff read Coltons story “There’s a Wacket in my Jacket” before gazing through Cohens minion picture book. We talked about the importance of books, what they are used for and what they share with us. Harrison asked if we could create our own book, which is such a cool idea! Bjorn and Ryan asked to paint, so today we combined the two together and created pictures to which Miss Tiff will create a book out of. Whilst preparing the paints the children went off and found activities todo, Ryan, Bjorn, Myla, Madelyn and Cohen got out the colouring pencils, paper and scissors and began to create. Harper, Ariana and Charlotte completed the dinosaur puzzles, Harper stuggled a little bit with her so both Ariana and Charlotte offered to help her. Sayde, Lincoln, Delila and Ivy played with the weave it activity creating their own master pieces. Harrison, Grace, Colton and Amelia built and created robots with the connectors, they matched colours and joined all the pieces together to make one big robot.
We then began our book creating with each child who was interested in painting joined Miss Tiff. Once the paintings have dried and the book is created we will take photos and send it through for everyone to have a look at. Lunch sees us enjoy deconstructed sushi bowls served with a salad bar. Before we relax our bodies durning rest time.
We look forward to seeing everyone this afternoon and pick up !
With Love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek