Good afternoon to all our Pre Kindy families… what a fun filled day of learning we have had today! Our morning started with outdoor play, where some of us chose to push our friends on the swing, while others were happy to dig for treasure in the sandpit, play peek a boo from the top of the outdoor classroom & slide down the climbing mound. Then we had a spontaneous dance class & band session with Miss Donna, this was such awesome fun! Once inside & after morning tea, we all sat on the mat for group time, where we discussed how to be a good friend, in the lead up to International Friendship Day which we are celebrating tomorrow. Then it was Yarn Time where we listened to the stories,  ‘My Mum Goes To Work’ & There Was An Old Bloke Who Swallowed A Chook’ … what a funny story that one was. It had us all giggling. Office role play was also popular, with the children taking messages on the mobile phones & typing away on the keyboards as well as jotting down notes on the clipboards. Other Activities We Enjoyed today were – Animal face framing pictures – Open ended play with various materials and the felt boards – Play dough – Connector blocks – The car garage & Role Play In home area. …. Thank you all for  wonderful day & we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow … love from Miss Lyn & Miss Donna. 😊💕💕😊