Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy Families 🙂 This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Bjorn, Ryan, Colton, Ivy, Myla, Everlea, Madalyn, Grace, Lincoln, Cruiz, Charlotte, Harper, Delila, Henry, Amelia, Cohen, Jacob and Sayde. This morning we welcomed Ivy, Ryan, Colton, Lincoln, Myla, Grace, Sayde and Cruiz whilst we were in the classroom. This morning Grace and Ivy spent the morning in home corner, Ivy had set up a tea party and they both sat down for some morning tea. Ryan, Colton, Lincoln and Sayde found a new dinosaur on the book shelf so they all sat as Miss Tiff ready the story of the little dinosaur who lost his parents. Myla and Cruiz had a book club of their own going on as they sat on the teacher’s chair pretending to read to the masses. This morning we had to wait until the smoke from someone fire cleared up before heading outside. Whilst we were outside we welcomed Jacob, Bjorn, Cohen and Henry, Lachlan, Everlea, Madalyn, Charlotte, Harper, Delila and Amelia. This morning we were outside in the big yard which gave us access to so many cool things to play with. Colton, Jacob, Cohen and Henry headed for the bikes and scooters. They raced around the grass hill playing red light green light. Cohen was the police officer so was the one in charge telling everyone else when they could go and when they had to stop. Bjorn, Lachlan, Ryan and Grace headed straight for the sandpit, they took the new Pre-Kindy digger, dump truck and excavator. They dug, they moved sand from one place to another before building a sand castle to then knock down. The enjoyment they get from knocking things over makes them all filled with giggles and squeals. Delila, Harper, Charlotte and Amelia played a game of tag and chase with Harper starting off as the tagger the other girls ran as fast as they could to get around from Harper. Charlotte running around and around the grass hill. Madalyn, Myla and Everlea enjoyed a quitter morning as they played around the swing. They went from swing on the swing to building “a house” with the wooden blocks. |
Morning tea was served with banana as the fruit portion today, everyone enjoyed some banana with bread and a few eating the homemade beans. |
Today’s group time was our Ditto body safety incursion. We were visited by Ditto and his friend who came to talk to us about the importance of body safety. Ditto and his friend talked to the children about yes and no feelings. Our yes feelings are the ones that make us feel safe, happy like dancing to our favourite song. Our no feelings are the ones that made us fee sad, mad or unsafe. These can come from someone touching us when we don’t want it, it can often make our heart race really fast or give us a funny feeling in our tummies. Ditto spoke about when we do feel unsafe we need to say NO or Stop and then runny away and find a grown up to tell. We talk to a grown-up who makes us feel safe. The show had some singing and dancing re-enforcing the messages that they had just been learning. They all loved the show! Getting involved with all aspects. |
After the show we had an indoor outdoor morning where the children could go in-between depending on where their interest wanted to lead them. Bjorn, Lachlan and Ryan chose to be inside where they explored and played with the dinosaurs, travelling from the dinosaurs onto reading stories about dinosaurs and then getting out the dinosaur puzzles. It was a morning filled with the love of dinosaurs. Colton and Cohen also spent some time inside, along with Miss Tiff they played with the wooden blocks and the digger and excavator. The boys were moving around the blocks with the toys and Miss Tiff was building towers for them to then knock down. Harper, Charlotte, Grace, Amelia and Ivy took turns swinging on the monkey bars, not before needing to find some boxes to place under as they were unable to reach the bars. Myla, Everlea and Madalyn could be found in the mud kitchen as they were preparing some cupcakes for the birthday party they were having. Sayde, Lincoln and Henry were up in the tree house playing with Mr Andrew and some of the kindergarten childre |
The class enjoys sushi day as it means rice! With most children really enjoying rice and the salad bar. |
Tuesday are days were less of the children tend to sleep, as we have a few non sleeper influencing those who do sleep. Once those who sleep are asleep we get out some quite activities to do. Today we spent time with those who were not here yesterday organising their father’s day gift. |
The children always enjoy the fresh fruit available for afternoon tea. |
This afternoon will see us have a dance and boogie as we get ready to head outside to the slide yard for the afternoon. |
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With love Miss Tiff and Miss Jade.