Hello Pre-Kindy families and carers,

We hope you all had a lovely long weekend. Belated birthday greetings to Amayah who has now turned 4! We all sang happy birthday to Amayah, and she got to choose her favourite storybook today to be read at group time – “Grandpa and Thomas”. This was a good opportunity to talk about sun safety whilst at the beach (or anytime one is out in the sun) – “SLIP, SLOP, SLAP” and wearing sun hats.

Reid also talked about sea animals, and rubbish on the beach – another good opportunity for all of us to talk about picking up our rubbish, and the consequences for sea animals and birds if rubbish (especially plastic) is left behind. It is great to see children as young as three and four being concerned about pollution, our wildlife and our overall environment – “Out of the mouths of babes”..

Today the children enjoyed a wide variety of play-based activities, including:

  • Role play – office set up with keyboards, notebooks and telephones (lots of conversation took place back and forth between the children and on their telephones)
  • Painting at the easel with small foam rollers and a variety of acrylic paint colours (really enjoyed by Arlo, India and Oli)
  • Wooden trains, tracks and bridges (great cooperative play Xavier, Marshall, Dylan, Mace and Reid – you are real engineers)
  • Playdough with rolling pins, cookie cutters and plastic knives
  • Tetris shape boards with wooden shape pieces – great shape/design making Henry, Dylan and Theo!
  • Home corner with kitchen items (food, crockery, pots and pans) – Eva and Braxton role-played the story of “Hansel and Gretel” together for an extended period of time

Until tomorrow, stay safe and cool everyone during this heat!

Love Miss Donna and Miss Lyn xxxx