Good Afternoon pre-Kindy families 🙂
Happy Wednesday we hope your mid week slum is not a slum and your first day of spring has been a good one.
Here at Riversdale we are celebrating “Educators day” paying a special thanks to one another for the love and dedication we all bring to the job! Thank you to all the educator mums out there and thank you to those who have expressed their thanks and love 🙂
This morning we welcomed Ryan, Henry, Lachlan, Harrison, Myla, Ivy, Billy, Amelia, Colton, Grace, Jacob, Aleksandar and Harper. As we all saw when arriving at Kindy today there was a lot of smoke in the air, for this reason we remained inside all morning. Ivy, Ryan and Harper started their mornings off with the dinosaur puzzles they emptied them out and then began to put the together. Ivy and Harper working together whilst Ryan worked on his own. As they neared the end of the puzzle we noticed that a piece was missing, when Miss Tiff asked Ryan what we needed to do he said “we need to go on a treasure hunt to find it” with Harper and Ivy agreeing we began to talk about where we should look, but before we could start Ryan asked “how can we look for treasure when we don’t look like pirates” SO true! So Miss Tiff made pirate hats and we began our hunt. Whilst hunting Grace, Henry, Colton, Myla and Lachlan joined us at kindy. With everyones help we managed to find the missing pieces we then took turns hiding the pirate ship and then finding it. Colton proved the best at hiding whilst Ivy and Grace were victorious at finding! Alex, Jacob, Amelia, Billy, and Harrison then joined us. We also had soccer this morning so those who participate went odd and had some fun. With the morning nearing morning tea time we tidy the class up, putting the toys back in their homes before washing and drying our hands.
After morning tea we had group time, we said our acknowledgment to land and sung our good morning song, before having a class discussion about fathers day, everyone sharing what they want to do for their father and what they love about their fathers the most! We then got stuck into preparing our second part of our fathers day present. In amongst this Henry and Jacob were playing with the colour blocks that stick together, Jacob build a really big tower whilst Henry built lot of little robots. Harrison and Colt lined all of the animals up along the white shelves before using the toy digger and bulldozer to knock all the animals over. Myla, Ivy, Harper Amelia, Alex and Grace could be found in home corner as they cooked up some yummy food for everyone.
The smoked cleared so we headed outside for some fresh air before lunch and rest time.
This afternoon we will be in the yard outside Kindergartens 2 classroom as we play and wait for the arrival of our parent.
Have a great afternoon
Love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek