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Happy Wednesday to all our Pre-Kindy families!

The rainy weather has continued today and is look set to continue through to the weekend. This helped shape some of our activity choices today, including creating rain clouds and rain with cotton balls, glue and strips of blue crepe paper, singing some “rain” songs,  including “Incey Wincey Spider” and “Rain, rain go away” as well as “I can sing a rainbow”.

A big thanks is extended to Marlie and her family for bringing in homemade cupcakes for Miss Donna’s birthday today. It is very much appreciated, and they were so yummy! Also, a big thanks to all the children who created homemade cards. I am very touched 😊

Other fun, play-based activities and group experiences we engaged with today were:

– Reading the storybook “Handa’s surprise” (An African story about a young girl whose fruit is stolen by animals from the basket she carries upon her head). This is turn led to a memory game where the were several Safari animals removed from a bag. Together, we named all the animals, then counted them. Once the children closed their eyes, one animal was removed, and then the children had to guess which one it was. Our friends today were so clever and were very quickly able to guess. Great memory recall everyone!

– Making love heart collages with red and pink cardboard, sequins, glitter and glue. These were added to our family “love” wall. Thank you so much to the families who have returned their “Valentine Family Heart” activity – we appreciate your time and effort!

– Playdough with body parts, hats, shoes, facial features etc. The children really enjoy creating lots of interesting people, aliens and monsters.


  • Cars, trucks and tractors on the road map tiles (Jamal and Arlo)
  • Texta drawing on paper (Lily, Ellie, Kaylee, Indi and Marlie)
  • Building with small assorted wooden blocks (Asher, Zander and William)
  • Kitchen corner play (Ella, Ivy and Indi’s choice)

Please take care everyone, and enjoy the rest of your wet Wednesday! We hope to see you tomorrow. Until then, take care,

Love Miss Donna and Miss Dominique xxx