Good morning Pre-Kindy Families, Happy Wednesday.
This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Ryan, Myla, Billy, Harrison, Ivy, Avila, Amelia, Harper, Finley, Madelyn, Henry and Colton.
We began our morning indoors where we welcomed Ryan, Ivy and Myla joined us first. Ivy and Ryan wanted to build with our new wooden blocks that have been in the classroom for the past few days. So we got them out and began to build. Myla joined as she brought along some animals to build a house for them to stay in. Harrison, Colton, Avila and Madelyn were next to arrive. Harrison and Colton joined Miss Tiffany with the wooden counting blocks, this activity requires children to put pieces of wood onto a stick with the stick size connecting to the amount of pieces that can be put on. A really great activity to start developing number recognition and refine our counting skills. The boys really enjoyed playing this, the excitement of it welcomed Myla and Madelyn to the table to participate too. Avila headed to the wooden blocks to build a tower, she stated “Do you know what Miss Tiffany the tower is going to be bigger than you, all the way to the roof” so she set off to build. We were then joined by Lachlan, Billy, Amelia, Harper, Finley and Henry who were just in time for soccer! As you know every Wednesday we have the coaches come out from Big Little Sport. This morning Harrison, Colton, Avila and Ivy went off in the first group with Henry, Harper and Billy participating in the second group. Finley chose not to participate this morning.
With many accidents occuring with so many friends now amongst the Senior Building Miss Emma has created a roster for all the different yards and classes to ensure that all children are able to have a fun and enjoyable time. This meant that this morning we spent the whole morning inside.
Once soccer finished up we packed away and got ready for group time and morning tea.
We started off with our Acknowledgement to Country. Our friends helped with the actions to “Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I”.
This morning Miss T’arn read us the book “Be Happy” selected by Ameila. The story is about a little bear asking mumma bear what he can become when he’s older. Mumma bear talks to him about all different ideas but the most important thing is to be Happy 🙂 This prompted the conversations amongst the class about what happiness looks like and how we can express our happiness.
As we continue to explore Science week, an extension activity from our group time conversation yesterday we brought in some celery sticks and carrots. Miss Tiffany put them on the table and began to prepare everything for the experiment whilst doing so the children began asking questions as to what we were doing and what did she have. We asked holding up the celery what it is with Amelia saying ”celery” then she asked what is celery Ivy answering a “vege” Miss Tiff then asked what do they need to grow? Harrison answered “water”. So with all that we then cut the celery sticks off the roots and placed the roots in some water, and over the next few days we will watch to see how fast it goes. We used the stalks of the celery to do an experiment with food colouring. Miss Tiffany asked how can we change the colour of the celery Ryan and Henry both picked up the bottle of food colouring “we can use this” so we buddied up and filled a cup of water, we added food colouring to the cups and then placed our celery sticks in. Miss Tiffany then explained that it will take a little time for the celery to drink the water and then turn the colour of the food dye. Our partners working together- Ryan and Lachlan, Myla and Madelyn, Harrison and Ivy, Amelia Colton, Finley and Avila. Harper, Billy and Henry help with the growing of celery and carrots.
Once we finished we placed the cups on top of the shelf in the art corner so we can watch them throughout the day as they change colour.
The children then moved into free play, Ameila, Avila and Ivy got out the colouring pencils and began to draw pictures. Ryan, lachlan, Colton and Billy used the blocks from the counting game and turned them into lightning hammers as they hammered the ground. When asked who they were “were Thor with our lightning hammers”.
Henry and Harrison played with the puzzles, whilst Harper, Finley and Iy played families in the home corner.
After Avila created her picture she asked if she was able to post it to her mum, so Miss Tiffany made some envelopes and Miss T’arn found us a post box. This then invited everyone to create a letter for mum or dad to post into the letter box.
We then headed outside for some fresh air before we enjoyed lunch.
Today meals;
Coconut strawberry delight
Shepherd’s pie bites served with salad bar
Scroggin served with fresh fruit
With love, Miss Tiff, Miss T’arn and Miss Bek