Hello Pre-Kindy families and carers… only 7 more sleeps until Christmas! The children are getting soooo excited!
It was a beautiful early morning today, as the temperatures have slightly cooled. During outdoor play, we practised our bean bag throwing and catching skills, enjoyed making pies and cups of tea in the mud kitchen, and further developed our swinging and balancing skills on the monkey bars under the outside classroom.
We then went inside for morning tea, which was followed by some fun stories with Miss Branagh. After this we enjoyed engaging with the following play-based activities:
– Playdough with plates, plastic knives, cookie cutters and rolling pins – Enjoyed by Narla, Amayah, Indi, Eva, Kianni, Theo, Arlo, and Oliver.
– Building high towers with large Lego blocks – Reid and Xavier had a ball building together and measuring themselves against their tower!
– Playing in home corner with the cash registers and pretend money – Enjoyed by Brax, Henry, Oliver, Kianni and Hazel
– Making craft stars with paddle pop sticks and glittery glue in small tubes – everyone thoroughly enjoyed this activity – so much concentration, time and effort went into the finished products – Reid was especially proud 😊
We hope you enjoy today`s pictures and have had a wonderful day!
Until tomorrow, please take care.
Much love, Miss Donna and Miss Branagh xxx