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Good Afternoon Pre-Kindy families 🙂 Happy Hump Day!

A very happy afternoon to you all 🙂 We hope you have had a great morning, this morning at Kindy we welcomed; Colton, Ivy, Latika, Harper, Lily, Ryan, Romney, Aleksandar, Bjorn, Madalyn, Lachlan, Amelia, Myla, Harry, Harrison. This morning we also welcomed Billy a new friend. We started our day off in the yard, running around with much excitement as we welcomed our friends into Kindy.

We then transitioned into morning tea, having everyone wash and dry their hands before finding their drink bottles and taking a seat. This morning we had yoghurt, granola, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon and banana. With all the yummy fresh fruit most children came back for seconds . After morning tea we went straight into self select activities, we had the puzzles out on the table with Milly, Billy, Harrison, Madalyn and Delila sitting with Miss Tiffany doing these. Colton, Bjorn, Lachlan, Ryan set up all the trucks and cars, lining the up on top of the lockers and then racing them across them. Harper, Latika, Aleksandar and Ivy were all in and out of the home corner cooking up a storm!

Today was also a special day as it was WOW day in which we all dressed in orange to raise awareness and money for SES. In light of this Pre-Kindy were lucky enough to have Miss Nads come in and give us some new dress up outfits, they were firefighters !! The children absolutely loved them, were so excited to put them on and play rescue.

We then transitioned into group time , today was also National Simultaneous Storytime Day, we were hoping to have the astronauts read us our story “Give me some space” However had technical difficulties so Miss Tiffany read the story! They all loved the book, and all talked about how they want to go to space !  After group time we headed outside for some outdoor play before lunch! Todays lunch was deconstructed sushi bowls, which is always a bit hit.

At rest time Miss Tiffany spent some time with the non sleepers asking them what the best part of their day has been and what are they looking forward to.

Myla “is looking forward to daddy picking her up”. Amelia “loved playing outside this morning, I also enjoyed our special story” Lachlan enjoyed his time outside with Ryan and Bjorn.

This afternoon we will enjoy our time outside and we look forward to seeing families at pick up!

Regards Miss Bek and Miss Tiffany