Good afternoon Pre-Kindy families and friends. We have a lovely Wednesday here at Riversdale today.

During the early morning outside playtime there were bikes and trikes, the cubbyhouse with lounges, books and dress ups, plastic boats in the big blue water trough, drawing with crayons, playing with plastic cars on the large road/motorway cut out, and farm animals in the small sandpit trough.

In addition, soccer was also available for Braxton, Oli and Xavier, who all enjoy it so much.

Once inside our room for mid-morning activities, the following play-based experiences were available:

  • Playdough with rolling pins, cookie cutters and pipe cleaners (lots of fun was had by India, Ava and Mariah)
  • Creating Ranjoli coloured sand pictures to celebrate the Hindu New Year/Diwali (especially enjoyed by Eva, Hazel, Reid, Amayah, Xavier and Mariah)
  • Small Lego construction (Otto and Oli made some great vehicles and boats)
  • Assorted puzzles (Braxton, Xavier and Reid enjoyed these today)
  • Found playing together often today were Henry, India and Charlotte (who really enjoy each other’s company in the home corner – lots of giggles!)
  • New storybooks – “The Silliest Scarecrow” and “My Dog Rags” which all the children really enjoyed
  • Small plastic constructions squares (Mariah built a very tall tower)
  • Coloured elastic bands and geo boards (Ava worked hard at this activity)
  • Drawing with textas (especially enjoyed by Theo)

We hope you enjoy the photos of your child’s day. Until tomorrow, please enjoy your evening, and take care.

Much love, Miss Donna and Miss Tania xxx