This morning we welcomed Ryan, Henry, Lachlan, Harrison, Myla, Ivy, Madelyn, Billy, Amelia, Finley, Colton, Harper, Grace, Ariana and Lincoln. This morning we began our day indoors as we waited for the sun to warm the air and the school kids to head off for school. This morning saw us experience and play with so much within the Pre-Kindy classroom. Ryan and Ivy were artist this morning as the drew beautiful pictures, Ivy practiced her flower drawings and Ryan enjoyed drawing rainbows. Both Ivy and Grace were dressed up as Elsa for book week today. Miss Lea had her face painting out so added a little bit of eye shadow to the girls’ outfits. Lincoln joined us this morning and along with Harrison and Ariana played with the wooden blocks. Together they focused on building a tower that would reach as far as it could go. Myla and Madelyn arrived heading straight to home corner as they played mum and baby a new friendship started to form. We clean up the class before getting ourselves ready to head outside. We found our hats collected our drink bottles and ventured to the yard with the slides along the car park. With it only being Miss Tiff, we had the slides closed off for the morning, this led Ryan and Harrison to start creating an obstacle course out of the equipment in the yard. Once completed everyone decided they wanted to have a turn! Whilst we were outside Colton, Henry, Finley and Harper joined us. Colton and Henry were the first on the seesaw as they went up and down they would both take turns falling off and then laughing at each other. Harper, Ariana, Grace and Lincoln spent some time using the weave it toys before tying a string to the trains and bunny rabbits and walking them around like pets. We also had Harrison, Ivy, Harper, Billy, Colton and Henry head off to soccer. |
Morning tea this morning was a little bit rushed as we had to get ourselves ready for the incursion today! |
Today’s group time was over taken by Professor Jellybean and her cool science experiments. Professor Jellybean welcomed us into Kindy one with a quick introduction of who she is and what we would be doing with her today. She asked the class if they knew what a scientist does? She then asked the class are you curious? Do you like making things? With the answers being a big YES! She explained that we are all then scientist. With that established we then got to dress the part, with the children all putting on a lab coat and safety glasses. |
Once we were already we then took a seat at the table. First experiment we got to see and do was create snow! Prof. Jelly Bean began speaking to us about the use of primary colours and what happens when we mix colours together. Lincoln super excited try guessing all of the colours! Once we had our coloured water we then added a special ingredient to it……. Then we watched…. As the special ingredient reacted with the colour water it began to form a snow like texture. Next up we got to make slimy worms!!! These worms were so much fun to make we even get to take them home!! We then made foaming fizz with the use of oil, water, coloured soap, bi carb and citrus acids. When the bi carb a citrus acid combined with the liquid it began to bubble and fizzle. Myla and Billy opted to not participate in the science incursion whilst this was happening they were both in home corner playing together. Amelia arrived after the incursion. We then headed outside. |
Wednesday lunch is enjoyed by all! We all did a great job at eating 🙂 |
Rest time; As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do. |
Afternoon Te Fruit and scroggin is the favourite of the week! Children love the fresh fruit. |
This afternoon will see us shake and dance to some of our favourite tunes |