Good afternoon Pre Kindy families. What a lot of fun we have had today. Our morning started with a new game called Tummy Ache, where we have to match healthy choices on a plate, but if we get a tummy ache card we have to wait until we get  something healthy to remove it from our plate. The children thoroughly enjoyed this game of making healthy choices for meals. There was lots of conversation about what sort of food is a healthy choice and good for our bodies. Some of our outdoor fun this morning included a spontaneous game of counting the cars passing the pedestrian crossing, after Miss Lyn asked how many cars were at the crossing. We also had jumping sack races again, as that is something the children all enjoy. Other activities on offer today were, Lego blocks, matching coloured blocks in the dolls house, paddle pop & matchstick gluing on coloured paper, play dough with loose parts, the magic blanket game, books & stories and our Freeze song game, the children love being statues when the song tells them to ‘stop & freeze’. We’ve had a lovely day & look forward to lots more fun learning tomorrow. Also a reminder that our Fathers Day event is on from 5 until 6pm this Thursday evening, if you are free to join us. Love from Miss Lyn & Miss Donna. 😊💕💕😊