Welcome to Friday’s Blog 😊

This morning the children were excited to try out the new outside equipment we got delivered. We had skipping ropes and hoola hoops out in the tree house where the children were listening to the instructions by Mr Andrew on how to skip. “Over our heads and then jumps”. Maia, Milly, Chihiro and Ayla had a go at the technique, and it wasn’t long until they got it! We had fun shaking our hips around to make the hoola hoops spin around our bodies. Harvey and Hendrix were playing in the cubby house by the kitchen where they played shops. Ellie and Harper were putting their baby doll to sleep and reading her a book.

After a big play outside together we ventured inside for a story time. Miss Emma let us a borrow a story called ‘BAMBOOZLED’ which Harley has been reading at home with his Mum. Harley smiled when he saw that we were going to read it. What a great story, which had us all laughing at the odd things that were happening in the house such as mushrooms growing out of the draw, a monkey juggling in the kitchen and a tiger sitting in a high chair.  To acknowledge Reconciliation Week, we read a dream time story called ‘The Rainbow Serpent’.

Today for activity time, Pre Kindergarten were practicing to write the letters in their names with the whiteboard markers and the white boards, engaging in a cut and paste activity where they made their very own Mr Potato Heads cutting the body parts and sticking them onto their own potato and investigated their seeds that they planted in the cotton wool which are starting to show some changes. The children noticed the cups with the alfalfa seeds in them have already started to grow stems and little leaves and some of the broad beans have started to pop out roots. The class were so excited when observing their cups. Milly also got the chance to plant her own seed which she chose to plant the broad bean seed. We are looking forward to viewing them again next week.

Chihiro chose the building connectors blocks to play with on the other table which the children connected the blocks together to make tall towers. Harley measured his tower against his height on the height chart that we did last week. The group also enjoyed free drawing on the art table and role playing in the home corner which Ivy and Ellie role played cleaning the home corner with clothes.

Before lunch we sang and played clap sticks along to some Aboriginal traditional music which we heard the clap sticks and didgeridoo instruments. The group did an amazing job at playing to the beat if it was slow or fast.

Have a great weekend everyone

Miss TJ x