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Good Morning Pre-Kindy Families 🙂

This morning we welcomed Ariana, Bjorn, Harrison, Harry, Colton, Myla, Madalyn, Romney, Ivy, Jacob, Charlotte, Grace and Lincoln. Transitioning we have Poppy.

This morning we were in the side yard, the one next to Kindy 2 classroom. The yard was a blank canvas which meant the children could choose what they wanted to play with.

Harrison, Colton, Jacob and Ariana all asked if they could do some drawing, so Miss Tiff headed inside to find some paper and pencils. We were unable to find some pencils, but Harrison spotted some crayons, so we drew with those. There were a few pastel-like crayons which allowed Miss Tiff to show the children how to draw and the smudge their pictures. Harrison absolutely loving this. Colton and Ariana practiced writing their names as we spelt out each letter.

Ivy, Lincoln, Harry and Grace headed to the boat where they headed off on an adventure. First up Lincoln took everybody to Movie world where they went on all the cool ride, then Ivy took them to the shops where they brought snacks and lunch.

Miss Connie then played a game of hide and seek which had all of the children involved. Playing a game as simple as hide and seek allows for the development of the children’s problem-solving skills as they have to scan and plan as to where they will hide. Colton and Harrison selecting a good spot they both hid in the boat right at the front which was pretty much out of view from everyone. Myla, Ariana, Grace, Charlotte and Harry all hid behind the outdoor kitchen, poking their heads up to see if Miss Connie was heading their way. Ivy, Lincoln, Romney, Jacob, and Bjorn all hiding amongst the boat as the waited for Miss Connie to find them.

We then played doggy doggy where’s your bone, this teaching children patience’s as they have to wait their turn as well as critical thinking as they have to process who has the bone.

We then packed away the yard and headed inside for morning tea

Morning Tea: Monday see the class really enjoy morning tea as we love our little crostini and fresh fruit.
This morning for group time we started off with our acknowledgment to country before going into our good morning song.

This morning we read a book Cat in the Hat and the Museum of dinosaurs. After reading we then practiced identifying some letters before heading off to do activities.

Our transition into activities saw Miss Tiff hold up a letter the children’s name who began with the letter were able to go and choose an activity.

We are going to start exploring letters and numbers more as we start to become familiar with the alphabet.

Teacher led activities- Floor alphabet puzzle and magnetic letters and white boards.

Harrison, Colton, Jacob, Ivy and Poppy headed to the tables with the white boards and magnetic letters. Here along with Miss Tiff we tried to spell out our names and sound out the letters within our name.

Romney, Lincoln and Bjorn headed to the dinosaur area where Miss Tiff gave them some new baby dinosaurs to play with. Bjorn filled with excitement saying that he loves the little ones. The continued love for the dinosaurs allows for the boys to involve themselves in role play. They engage in story making and roles which often reflect aspects of their home life.

Myla and Madalyn spent their morning in home corner playing mums and babies. Today Madalyn seemed to be playing the role of mum with Myla being they baby. The prepared some breakfast and enjoyed a lovely meal together.

Harry, Charlotte, Ariana and Grace worked with Miss Connie to complete the alphabet floor puzzle. Miss Connie using flash cards to assist the children to find which piece of the puzzle goes next.

We then sat on the mat for some meditation whilst we took turns making our beds. We then headed outside to the side yard for some play before lunch.

Lunch: Noddles and pineapple along with carrots and tofu satisfy the children’s tummies today at lunch time.
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do.
Afternoon tea: This afternoon will see us enjoy some yummy chocolate cake with fresh fruit.
Today we will do a bit of freestyle dancing and stretching before heading outside for the afternoon


With Love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie xo